CERTIFICATE APR APY Demand 0.50% Advantage 1.00% 1 Year 2.10% 2.12% 2.35% 2.38% 3 Year 2.65% 2.68% 4 Year 2.90% 2.94% 5 Year 3.15% 3.20% *All Rates Are Variable. The purchase of MBLF’s securities is subject to risks, which are described in our Offering Circular. This is not an offer to sell you our securities and we are not soliciting you to buy our securities. We will offer and sell our securities only in states where authorized. The offering is made solely by the Offering Circular. Not FDIC or SIPC Insured. Not a bank deposit. No U.S. Conference Guarantee.
WILL PLANNING Up to 70% of all adults do not have an up-to-date will. Only about 50% of folks over 55 have a will or trust. Only 10% of them have a charitable gift in their plan.
Jon C. Wiebe, President & CEO jwiebe@mbfoundation.com Andy Shewey, Planned Giving Advisor ashewey@mbvoundation.com 800.551.1547
Why save money? for unexpected future expenses (a rainy day) to be able to purchase something for cash to be financially secure (worry less) for retirement (or when you lose your job) to pass an inheritance to your children to give more opportunity for generosity
trust that God will provide? Should we save…or just trust that God will provide? “DON’T save” verses: Philippians 4:19 Matthew 6:19, 25-34 Luke 12:24 “DO save” verses: Genesis 41:34-36 Proverbs 21:20, 30:25 Ecclesiastes 11:2
Is it okay to save lots (and lots) of money? The Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21) The story of Job (Job 1, 42)
Four things we can do with money give it earn it spend it save it
25 ways to save money get a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th job (or just spend less) wait before you buy; don’t buy impulsively ask yourself, “Do I really need this…now?” save windfall income (i.e., Christmas money, tax return) save your loose change cut out one expense every week. do a “Buy nothing week” (or month) compare prices use coupons stick with your grocery list (don’t shop when you’re hungry)
25 ways to save money restaurant: eat out less restaurant: share a meal restaurant: order off the kids’ meal restaurant: order water re-define your relationship with Amazon Prime buy generic; buy used cancel your cable go on fewer vacations (or less expensive ones) buy fewer toys (for you and your kids) stop using credit cards (unless you pay it off each month)
25 ways to save money sell the exercise equipment you never use make your own coffee in the morning instead of buying it inflate your tires don’t speed don’t give up!