Learning Disability Carer Forum 15th January 2019 Sport and Leisure Service - Health and Wellbeing
Purpose Physical activity – big links with wellbeing / confidence / self esteem and physical health Discuss some of the facilities / activities available for both people with a disability and also for carers Ease Extra card – priority benefits for carers Ease Extra card – free access for young carers Active North Tyneside – free access Introductions – we are the sport and leisure service …etc. As part of this Health and Wellbeing Care forum we’ve been invited to talk about physical activity and how this can support our health and well being So ……purpose of today and the next 20 minutes or so – Want to say a little bit about the benefits of physical activity and how this can make us feel Want to high light some of the key facilities and activities in the sport and leisure service which we have across the borough available for both people with a disability and also for carers – whether they are supporting some one to attend – or attending independently Want to highlight the easeExtra card – what benefit carers can get with a card – and also talk a little bit about the offer we have for young carers. Finally – talk a bit about Active North Tyneside – which are free programmes for every resident - funded through the public health team.
Physical Activity and Wellbeing – two sides of the same coin There is lots of evidence that being physically active is really good for us – it can guard against conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, depression, stroke, cancer, heart disease and diabetes to name but a few. But…….. one of the key things we want to highlight really to start with is not the diseases which it can prevent – or the long term health benefits it might have even have (though these are great) – but purely and simply that being active overall helps with our ‘well-being’ – it is so interconnected to our mental health These are the five ways to well being which have been advocated by the mental health foundation – and of course – being active is one in itself… …….But – when you are active you get so much more out of this than just the activity itself. For example – if it is something you have not tried before then it can be about learning – exposing yourself to new experiences – surprising yourself with what you might actually be able to do. Overcoming fears and feeling proud of yourself and your friends and loved ones because they have tried something new is so positive for our well being. Another example - when you are doing physical activity – you often do make new connections with people – you might meet people who are in the same boat, or you might just encourage a friend to try something new together – all of this is about making connections Physical health, metal health, confidence and self esteem – very closely linked Confidence Self esteem Mental Health Physical health
? Chief Medical Officer: guidelines for physical activity… The other point I think it’s good to make is - a little goes along way…. Does anyone know the CMO guidelines for physical activity? Shout out? Guidelines say 150 minutes a week – 2.5 hours to stay healthy But – you don’t have to do 60 minutes of an exercise class or 64 lengths of the swimming pool! Try to fit this in as part of your lifestyle – even 10 minutes at a time can help and have benefits. Every little helps
Sport and Leisure offer 5 indoor leisure sites – including 4 pools, 5 gyms, 2 spas, indoor bowling, indoor and outdoor pitch / court sports – football, badminton, soft play, coached activity programmes Accessible facilities Accessible programmes for people with a disability That said – we want to highlight what the Sport and Leisure offer is in North Tyneside – there are…….. As per slide – Waves, Hadrian Leisure Centre, Lakeside Centre, Tynemouth Pool, The Parks Linz – you might want to add stuff in about outdoor and Shiremo or if relevant? All the sites have accessible facilities and there is a specific programme of activities for people with a disability
Accessibility Customer experience is critical Leisure Centres – Parking, reception areas, changing facilities, hoists, access to pools, staff training/knowledge. Information – Improvements to Leisure Centre websites.
Programmes Disability No Limits (The Parks Sports Centre) Sign & Splash (Tynemouth Pool) Sign & Play (The Parks Sports Centre) Multi Sensory room (The Parks Sports Centre) Disability Swimming sessions (Waves and Hadrian)
Programmes Rebound therapy sessions (adult and junior sessions) Archery (adult and junior sessions) Holiday activities Adapted bikes The future – Disability Badminton, Health Walks (stroke patients & mental health), access to hydro pools.
Partnership – some examples Parent Carer Forum – to identify gaps and help support new No Limits Disability session for young people LD North East – to develop better resources and more accessibility for adult weight management programme. Also developing new sessions at Tynemouth Pool and The Parks Working with Age UK – to support social prescribing We do recognise that we need to work together to develop this kind of stuff . We have worked in Partnership with the Parent / Carer forum to understand more about gaps in the programme and they have also supported the development of a new session for young people who have a disability – No Limits Disability and The Parks Sports centre Also are working in partnership with LD North East to develop better resources for people with learning disabilities to access our weight management programmes. They are also supporting some new swimming programmes at Tynemouth Pool and in the multi sensory room at the parks which we hope will be starting soon. Also - working with Age UK to develop the social prescribing offer and also activities to support people with lower mobility We do know however, that we don’t always get things right – so really important that you do tell us what you think and when things go wrong
Ease extra card - offers Maximum discounts for people who have a disability and carer attending goes free Offer for carers independently of their caring role Next – I want to wizz through the easecard offers which are available which you may / may not know about. There are three main offers: Offer for people who have a disability Offer for adult carers – (over 25) Offer for young carers (under 25) Offer for young carers
How much does it cost and how do I get one? Who is it for? What are the benefits? How much does it cost and how do I get one? Priority Ease extra card for people living in North Tyneside who have a disability Maximum discount across activities in the sport and leisure service e.g. an adult swim costs £5.60 – with your priority ease Extra card – this is £2.60 You can also bring along up to two people to support access to the activity Cost £4.60 for an adult or £3.60 for a senior (over 60 years). Junior cards are free Apply at any of the sport and leisure sites, complete an Ease extra application form Provide proof of address and evidence of disability – e.g. blue badge / formal notification of benefit Priority Ease extra card for Carers living in North Tyneside Cost £4.60 for an adult or £3.60 for a senior Complete Ease Extra card form and ask the Carers Centre to countersign this. Send the completed form to the central sport and leisure team (Quadrant East). Card will be processed and sent to home address For people who have a disability: Any person who has a disability can purchase a priority ease extra card (current cost £4.60 for an adult or £3.60 for a senior citizen). This gives the maximum discount on all activities across the service. For example – swimming would normally be £5.60 for an adult – it is £2.60 with a priority card - £3.00 discount. The person can also bring along with them up to two carers free of charge to support them in the activity as required. You can get the card at any of the indoor leisure sites -– jus bring along proof of address and disability – e.g. blue badge or living allowance benefit letter For people who are carers – If you are a carer you can apply for your own EaseExtra card – and this also gives you priority discounts across the service. The process is slightly different as we need the Carers Centre to countersign your application. – So – complete your easecard form, ask the Carers centre to countersign it then send this to the Business Development team – central offices at Quadrant. We then process the cards centrally and send them out to peoples home addresses – the payment for the card is made on the first visit.
Ease extra card for Young Carers Who is it for What are the benefits How much does it cost and how do I get one? Ease extra card for Young Carers Young carers can get free access to all activities across the sport and leisure service until they are 25 years old. No cost attached, complete Ease Extra card form Ask the young carers team at the Carers Centre to countersign this Send these to the Sport and Leisure Business Development Team – card will be processed and sent to home address For young carers (under 25) we have an enhanced offer….. Young Carers can get free access to every activity across the service and they don’t have to pay anything for their cards. This offer lasts until the day before their 25th birthday The carer needs to complete an Ease Extra card form and have this authenticated by the Carers Centre as proof The applications forms are then again sent to the Sport and Leisure Central team for processing and issued to the person’s home address.
Free activities for residents Health walks; walking football; walking netball; adult and child weight management programmes; kids multi activities in the sports halls and the pools (No Limits); volunteer programmes Free activities for residents Last but not least – We have a programme of free activities which are under the Active North Tyneside umbrella. These activities are funded through public health and include things like walking groups, walking football, walking netball, weight management programmes for adults and children, activities for young people – swimming and multi sports plus opportunities to become a volunteer or a Community Health Champion There are lots of activities available – and as already discussed we have already done some work to make these as accessible as possible. For adult Weight management – we are working with LDNE to develop resources to make this more accessible for people who have a disability The No Limits Disability mentioned earlier – has come about through working with the Parent Carer forum We have some resources for you to take away – the key information source is the website - or you can call the team and have a chat with them about any of the offers.
Any questions / items for discussion?