Validation of MYC-driven drug responses. Validation of MYC-driven drug responses. A, volcano plot of MYC-driven drug responses identified in MCF10AMYC cells versus control. Drug responses with S ≥ 2 are highlighted. B, validation of relative growth rates of drug-treated MCF10APURO and MCF10AMYC cells compared with DMSO control in the presence of AKT–PI3K–MTOR pathway inhibitors as indicated in A. C, sensitivity to AKT inhibitor MK-2206 compared with MYC expression across a panel of 20 breast cancer cell lines separated into two equally sized groups to define sensitive and resistant lines with RNAseq data from ref. 54. D, validation of relative growth rates of drug-treated MCF10A lines with synthetic lethal hits in A. E, concentration–response of viability of isogenic cell lines to GSK3B inhibitor CHIR-99021. F, fraction of total cell population undergoing apoptosis in response to drug treatment for 24 hours as measured by Annexin V staining. G, levels of p-GSK3B Ser9 and total MYC after treatment of MCF10A cells for 18 hours. GAPDH is used as a loading control. Unless otherwise noted, drug concentrations are the near IC50 listed in Supplementary Table S2. ***, P < 0.001; **, P < 0.01. Maria M. Martins et al. Cancer Discov 2015;5:154-167 ©2015 by American Association for Cancer Research