Understanding Standards: An overview of course assessment National 5 Music An overview of course assessment RGB colours for text Purple = R204 G153 B209 & Dark Blue =R0 G51 B102
What this presentation covers National 5 Music course: component 1: question paper 40 marks (35% of the overall course award) component 2: assignment (composing) 30 marks (15% of the overall course award) component 3: performance - instrument 1 30 marks component 4: performance - instrument 2 30 marks (Performances on Instruments 1 and 2 = 50% of the overall course award)
An overview of what is changed and/or what is unchanged question paper - unchanged assignment - composing - new component performance instrument 1 - unchanged performance instrument 2 - unchanged
Question paper A wide variety of question types: multiple choice musical literacy one word answers identification of prominent musical features using prose/bullet points
Question paper Candidates are expected to have secure knowledge and understanding of the concepts at National 3 and 4 levels in addition to knowledge and understanding of level specific National 5 concepts.
Assignment The assignment is in two parts and is worth 15% of the overall course award. Composing one complete piece of music (20 marks) any style/genre between one minute and two and a half minutes’ duration
Assignment plan the assignment - (allow personalisation and choice) Candidates are required to: plan the assignment - (allow personalisation and choice) explore and develop musical ideas using at least three of the musical elements of melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre and structure
Assignment Possible approaches could be: single melody line melody with accompaniment composition for a small ensemble - rock band, instrumental duo, etc solo piano or keyboard singer songwriter
Assignment Points to note: arrangements are not acceptable for this assignment at National 5 level the composed piece may contain sections of improvisation pre-recorded loops may be included however the candidate’s actual creative input must be clearly identifiable
Assignment Composing review (10 marks) Candidates will be required to: provide a detailed account of the main decisions made when exploring and developing their musical ideas identify strengths and/or areas which may be improved
Assignment The composing review: must be completed on the SQA template can be in the form of prose or bullet points should be in the region of 200-300 words Candidates should be encouraged to write the review as they make their decisions and explore and develop their musical ideas.
Assignment Evidence to be gathered The assignment must include all of the following: an audio recording a score or performance plan a composing review
Performance Two selected instruments, or one selected instrument and voice: solo and/or in a group setting 8 minutes duration (minimum of 2 minutes, maximum of 6 minutes on each instrument/voice) minimum of two contrasting pieces of music on each of the two selected instruments an appropriate standard/level of difficulty (Grade 3 or above)
Performance Marks are awarded, as appropriate, for: melodic accuracy/intonation rhythmic accuracy tempo and flow mood and character tone dynamics Refer to the SQA list of approved combinations of instruments.
WWW.sqa.org.uk│0303 333 0330 RGB colours for text Purple = R204 G153 B209 & Dark Blue =R0 G51 B102 Arial 20 font black Line spacing 4.8pt before single line spacing