Life in North America ELL 2035
Can you survive in North America?
1. Do North Americans wear shoes inside their homes? No! A few people may have a pair of shoes for inside their homes, but this is uncommon.
2. How are Korean and Western bathrooms different?
3. When do most people move out of their house? It’s common for people who go to university to move out of their parent’s house when they enter university (they live in the dorm or housing around campus). They may live at home for the summer (May – August) between school years. After university (22-24), most people will permanently move out of their parent’s home. Although some people who have difficulty finding a job may stay with their parents until they can afford a place of their own.
4. What do you call your in-laws (spouse’s parents)? You can usually use their first name. If you want to be polite you can use their title (Mr., Ms., Dr. + last name) when first meeting them. Some son-in-laws / daughter-in-laws will use ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ for their spouse’s parents. If you are not sure, ask them what they want to be called.
5. Do people feel more comfortable dancing in public or singing in public? Most Westerners prefer to dance (in public) rather than sing (in public). There are more night (dance) clubs than karaoke bars. The karaoke bars tend to be public karaoke, not private karaoke rooms like in Korea.
6. What is common response after someone sneezes 6. What is common response after someone sneezes? Why do they use that expression?
7. What do people think of marijuana (weed/pot)?
8. How many people are homeless in the US 8. How many people are homeless in the US? Where are the biggest concentrations of homeless people? Approximately 554,000 in the U.S. (1/2 in CA, NY, FL, TX, WA) Approximately 35,000 in Canada. Approximately 12,000 in South Korea.
9. What is Daylight Savings Time?
True or False True False 1. It’s illegal to drink alcohol in public in the N. America. 2. People don’t usually bump into each other in N. America. 3. Westerners are used to eating spicy food.
Have you had/eaten kimchi? Phrases – Can you think of better substitutes for these sentences? 1. I have to go to the toilet. I have to use the washroom / bathroom (at home) / restroom (out of your house) 2. Do you know kimchi? Have you had/eaten kimchi? 3. Take a rest. Take a break. Take 5 (take 5 minutes to relax). 4. Here is Chonnam National University. This is CNU. 5. How are you? I am so-so. I’m okay. I’m not bad. I’m all right. I’m pretty good.