Inhibition of spontaneous pulmonary metastasis and prolonged survival after removal of primary tumor and intratracheal delivery of rAAV2/5-VAS. Inhibition of spontaneous pulmonary metastasis and prolonged survival after removal of primary tumor and intratracheal delivery of rAAV2/5-VAS. A, gross examination of lung. a, representative lungs bearing tumor nodules developed from metastatic hm-LLC cells after surgical resection of primary tumor and intratracheal delivery of PBS, rAAV2/5-eGFP, or rAAV2/5-VAS for 30 d. b, lung weight after metastastic tumor growth from mice sacrificed 30 d after treatment. Bar, SE; n = 3. B, H&E staining of lung sections from mice sacrificed 30 d after intratracheal distillation of PBS (a), rAAV2/5-eGFP (b), or rAAV2/5-VAS (c, d). H&E staining revealing dormant micrometastatic tumor cells along large vessels in the lung from long-term surviving mice sacrificed 10 wk after treatment (d). Magnification, 200×. C, immunohistochemical staining showing vasostatin expression in lung of long-term surviving mice treated with rAAV2/5-VAS (right), but not in lung from control mice treated with rAAV2/5-eGFP (left). D, rAAV2/5-VAS treatment prolonged the survival of hm-LLC tumor–bearing mice after primary tumor removal (n = 6, P = 0.033). Ke Xia Cai et al. Clin Cancer Res 2008;14:939-949 ©2008 by American Association for Cancer Research