Project TEACH (Teaching Equity to Advance Community Health): A capacity building community-academic partnership to achieve health equity Angela Sauaia, Elaine Belansky, Carol Kaufman, Mariana Leon-Amorosi, Kris Wenzel, Jack M. Westfall, Nicole Tuitt and Tim Byers, University of Colorado Denver T.E.A.C.H. Partners Colorado Area Health Education Centers (AHECs) Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment Colorado Health Foundation Center for Public Health Practice, CSPH, UCD Reach 55 CBOs across five AHEC Colorado regions since July 2008 All state counties were reached 216,678 underserved individuals Tools:Health disparities profiles: major risk factors and diseases Impact: % total scores before and after Project TEACH Training AHEC N % Centennial 9 17 Central-1 Central-2 8 15 SE 5 Western 11 21 SLV Purpose The purpose of Project TEACH is to assist community based organizations (CBOs) to develop data driven, evidence-based projects addressing the health needs of their communities. TEACH provides CBOs with the skills, tools, and data to effectively address health inequities Impact: Self-reported skills before and after Project TEACH Tools: Project Website Training: 3- Month Collaboration Session Content Assessment (1 - 2 hrs) Learn about the CBO’s needs/goals Assess skills on health data, evidence –based interventions, project evaluation, community engagement Demonstrate resources 2-Day Workshop Tailored to the needs of the participants Workshop: Logic Model Development Health Data Social Determinants of Health Evidence-based Interventions Community Engagement Project Evaluation Consulting sessions Consulting sessions with assigned faculty Moving Forward Creation of new modules: “Healthcare access in the reformed system” to prepare CBOs to identify, receive, and navigate newly eligible patients “Building strong, sustainable organizations” “Funding for your topics and your region” Creation of new tool: Colorado Centralized Catalog of Public Health Evidence-based Interventions Conclusion Project TEACH is a highly reproducible two-way translational science model: communities hear about evidence-based interventions first hand from the researchers researchers learn from communities about their needs and the challenges of implementing research-tested interventions In project TEACH, researchers learn about their target communities by serving them. Contact: Impact: Scores before and after Project TEACH Training Tools: Health Disparities Profiles: Data by County and Race/Ethnicity Module Score Range Before After Paired T-Test P-value Mean SEM Health statistics 0 - 33 13.1 0.99 19.9 0.8 <0.0001 Evidence-based interventions 0 - 15 4.8 0.47 8.6 0.4 Community engagement 0 - 20 10.1 0.58 11.9 0.7 0.0017 Program evaluation 0 - 21 5.9 0.6 11.0 TEACH Participants