<Your Team # > Your Team Name Here <University Name> TÜRKSAT Model Satellite Competition 2019 Post Flight Review (PFR) Versiyon 2.0 <Your Team # > Your Team Name Here
Sample Team Organization Single slide listing the team members and their roles Team members shall be specified in which class Team members can take on more than one task in project planning Organization chart can be designed in a unique way or in a format such as the following Team Lead(s) SubSystem 1 Lead SubSystem Engineer 1 SubSystem 2 Lead SubSystem 3 Lead SubSystem 4 Lead 2 Advisor Company Advisor Sample Presenter:
<Presenter Name(s) Here> Systems Overview <Presenter Name(s) Here> Presenter:
The basic tasks are specified. Other tasks are specified; Mission Summary The basic tasks are specified. Other tasks are specified; A task determined by the team Presenter:
Components(Container, Science payload, Mechanisms) Dimensions Physical Layout Components(Container, Science payload, Mechanisms) Dimensions Relevant configurations (Mounting component and Seperation mechanism) Dimensions and positions of electronic components Presenter:
System Concept Operation & Sequence of Events <Presenter Name(s) Here> Presenter:
System Concept Operation / Planned The operation steps of the model satellite mission will be specified. Ascent and descent process Recovery and examination of data Post-mission process It will be explained how the team manages the processes. (the duties of the team members will be indicated) These processes can be shown in diagrams. Presenter:
System Concept Operation / Actualization The events that occurred during the flight process will be written. It is aimed to make a comparison between the planned and the actual events. Presenter:
Sequence of Events / Planned The planned flight summary and stages will be indicated. Presenter:
Sequence of Events / Actualization A summary of the events after the flight will be indicated. Photos can be added if necessary. Presenter:
Analysis of Post Flight Measurements <Presenter Name(s) Here> Presenter:
All obtained telemetry data will be displayed graphically. Measurements and Data All obtained telemetry data will be displayed graphically. During the flight, it will be shown that the password sent from the ground station as a telecommand is saved to the SD card. Examples of simulation images of position information on the ground station interface will be shown. Presenter:
Video Samples of video images recorded on the SD card during the flight will be presented. Presenter:
<Presenter(s) Name Here> Problems in Flight <Presenter(s) Name Here> Presenter:
Summary of Failures Topics planned before the flight but failed for various reasons after the flight will be added. The reasons for the failed topics and solutions, if any, shall be indicated. It can be specified in tabular form. Presenter:
<Presenter(s) Name Here> Gains <Presenter(s) Name Here> Presenter:
Overview Positive or negative experiences obtained during the competition will be added as a summary. Presenter:
<Presenter(s) Name Here> Conclusion <Presenter(s) Name Here> Presenter:
Presentation summary and results will be indicated. Conclusions Presentation summary and results will be indicated. Presenter: