Indicator 11 Initial Evaluation Edit Checks (80 Day Timeline)
80 Day Timeline Session Objectives: Learners will understand the requirements for initial evaluations and edit checks Learners will gain an understanding of allowable exclusions within the 80 day date of an initial evaluation Learners will become familiar with the Initial Evaluation Application (INI.EVAL) in WVIES/WOW Learners will obtain knowledge of tools available for assisting with initial evaluation data quality Learners will discover common errors that affect data quality during initial evaluation data entry Learners will recognize the Federal Compliance Target for this indicator
80 Day Timeline Indicator 11: Child Find Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / Child Find Compliance indicator for State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR): Percent of children who were evaluated within 60 days of receiving parental consent for initial evaluation or, if the *State establishes a timeframe within which the evaluation must be conducted, within that timeframe. (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)) *WV’s established timeframe is: evaluations must be completed within 80 days of receiving parental consent for initial evaluation
80 Day Timeline Indicator 11: Child Find Measurement for SPP/APR # of children for whom parental consent to evaluate was received. # of children whose evaluations were completed within state established 80 days timeline. This federal report requires an account for children included in (a), but not included in (b). Range of days beyond the timeline when the evaluation was completed and any reasons for the delays must be also must be reported. Percent = [(b) divided by (a)] times 100.
80 Day Timeline WVDE Office of Special Education’s (OSE) Initial Evaluation, 80 Day Timeline Report, includes three verification points. This application assists special education directors and/or designee in checking, completing, correcting, and verifying the data that has been entered for students in WVEIS. The report is built into the 80 Day Timeline Application (INI.EVAL) under the SPE.200 tab, and is available to users given access by the SE Director. The implementation of this application will assist in making sure that the initial evaluation data has been entered correctly and is complete as of each verification date. Submitting the data will be considered confirmation that the data is correct and complete, as of December 1, March 1, and June 1. In line with the federal requirements, WVDE OSE utilizes an application to help districts keep track of data quality and document late and completed within the 80 day timeline.
80 Day Timeline *Federal requirements emphasize that the initial timeline is based on Calendar Days, therefore, state holidays, including spring break, Thanksgiving break, Christmas/Winter break, etc. are NOT excluded from the timeline. Therefore, Code 01 is not permitted as a Reason Late code. *Code 01 For 2017-18 Work Stoppage is not permitted! **OSE will verify the use of ALL Reason Late codes and notify the special education director when there seems to be a data quality issue.
Building Custom Data Quality Reports – Over 80 Days Code 01 is defined as, Extenuating Circumstances resulting in school closure and Summer break. Policy 2419 further explains what is considered “extenuating circumstances” (3, 4 & 5) Also notice in policy the other reasons that are considered “acceptable” for resulting in a late evaluation: Code
Building Custom Data Quality Reports – Over 80 Days Acceptable Reason Late Codes Code 04 Code 07 Code 01 Also notice in policy the other reasons that are considered “acceptable” for resulting in a late evaluation: Code 4 and 7. Keep in mind, the use of these late codes does not result in an extension of the 80-day date. Simply use the reason late code. Additionally, Code 08 is used when a student transfers out or exits the district during the evaluation.
80 Day Timeline – Verification Points Remember, this application was developed to assist in making sure that the initial evaluation data has been entered correctly and is as complete as possible. Submitting the data will be considered confirmation that the data is as correct and complete as possible. Note: You will be verifying data entered “AS of the 1st” of each verifying month. When the 80 day date is not yet due, then just make sure the data is as complete as possible.
Building Custom Data Quality Reports *SE directors or designee must request access in order to use the INI.EVAL application, which can be obtained via the WVEIS contact for your district. The application is located under SPE.200 in WOW
Building Custom Data Quality Reports Cont.
Building Custom Data Quality Reports Note: We do not include GF or EG in federal reporting for Indicator 11, therefore you will not see GF or GE in your reports.
Building Custom Data Quality Reports Over 80 Days:
Building Custom Data Quality Reports Over 80 Days & Code 01: Regarding the required note when reason late code 01 is used, I must emphasize that the required note is not available in the Green Screen. Example: (RED)
Building Custom Data Quality Reports – Over 80 Days Never change the Meeting Due Date. Instead, simply use an appropriate reason late code. Also, keep the note simple! – just the specific “directly proportionate” dates and a note is needed.
Building Custom Data Quality Reports – Over 80 Days Keep the note simple, yet verifiable!
Building Custom Data Quality Reports – Over 80 Days For this report, you want to make sure that the status of the eligibility date is correct. For example, has the date occurred but the date just not entered yet, did the parent delay the evaluation, did the student transfer out, etc.
Building Custom Data Quality Reports – Over 80 Days Keep the note simple!
WVEIS/WOW Entry Parental Consent 80 Days Begin Eligibiity Meeting Eligibility Status Code 1 (Eligible) Eligibility Code for (CD, HI, VI, LD, etc.) Eligibility Meeting Eligibility Status Code 2 (Not Eligibile) STOP (No Elig. Code to enter) In order to continue to clean up the initial evaluation data and promote data quality, do not enter an eligibility code when the student did not qualify.
Eligibility Code Entry ERROR Submit Updated Data:
Recalculating the 80-Day Date Due to Code 01 ONLY When Code 01 is used and the eligibility date is extended, this presentation includes instructions about an updated meeting due date. Again, you will not change the initial Meeting Due Date, instead recalculate the “directly proportionate” missed dates to determine a new “Due By” date
Recalculating the 80-Day Date Due to Code 01 ONLY Original 80 Days Date 2/22/2015 Snow Days Jan. 8, Feb. 16,17,18,19,&20 = 6 Snow Days Recalculation of 80 Days Date 2/22/2015 + 6 days = 2/28/2015 New 80 Days Date New 80 Days Date = 2/28/2015 Additional Snow Days Feb. 28, March 2,3,4,&5 = Additional 5 Snow Days Recalculation of New 80 Days Date 2/28/2015 + 5 = 3/5/2015 New 80 Days Data = 3/5/2015 Directly Proportionate As long as the Code 01 days are directly proportionate to the 80 days dates, add missed days to recalculate new 80 Days date 80 Days dates exceeded due to Code 01 reasons, must be noted within the initial evaluation application with specific dates and descriptive reason (ex. Snow Days Jan. 8, Feb. 16,17,18,19,&20 = 6 Snow Days) Notice the link provided for easy calculations
Recalculating the 80-Day Date Due to Code 01 ONLY – Summer Break Original Consent Date 4/20/2015 Original 80 Days Date 7/9/2015 Summer Break Dates June 5 to Aug. 11, 2015 Recalculation of 80 Days Date 4/20/2015 + 6/5/2015 = 46 Days 80 Days - 46 Days = 34 Days New 80 Days Date Returned to School 8/11/2015 8/11/2015 + 34 Days = 9/14/2015 Summer Break reason late code does not apply for students transitioning from Birth to 3 to preschool special needs. Evaluations must be completed and an IEP in place prior to their 3rd birthday Summer Break does not apply to students transitioning from Birth to 3 to preschool special needs…3rd birthday *NOTE: the Recalculation of 80 Days Date would actually be 4/20/2015 + 6/4/2015 = 47 Days; (since 6/5 was the first day of Summer break)
Data Manager Coordinator Office of Special Education Renee Ecckles-Hardy Data Manager Coordinator Office of Special Education 304.558.2696