200GeV JLEIC circumferences


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Presentation transcript:

200GeV JLEIC circumferences Jiquan Guo

With the latest design in collider rings and boosters, we suggest: High energy booster: most of the binary bunch splitting will be performed in HEB, so it must preserve Nh=128N (in term of 952.6MHz buckets) Collider rings need to be able to operate at reduced rep-rate of at least 238MHz, maybe 119MHz or lower, at two IPs, for a certain ion energy range. Nh=16N (in term of 952.6MHz buckets) Low energy booster has some flexibility. However, to simplify timing sync, the common factor of circumference between LEB and HEB is preferred to be as large as possible. It also provide the possibility to transfer multiple long bunches (~40m each) from LEB to HEB in one cycle. With the latest design in collider rings and boosters, we suggest: i-ring (38-200GeV) Nh=7456 (29*256+32) in term of 952.6MHz. need gear change below 38GeV. i-ring C=2346.05m (nominal fRF=952.6364MHz at Ek=54GeV, β=0.999855) e-ring C=2346.07m (200GeV ion) to 2346.70m (38GeV ion) HEB final Nh=7424 (29*256), C=2335.98m Can we fit e-ring and HEB in one tunnel, if HEB is 10m shorter than e-ring? ~1m difference in radius without considering IR bypass LEB C=604.13m (15/59 of HEB) or 644.41m (16/59 of HEB)