CONTACT INFORMATION Cindy Daniel, Ed.D., Assistant Executive Director 304-485-5494 (O) or 304-552-7866 (C) cindy.daniel@wvssac.org Kelly Stewart, Clinician and Rules Interpreter kellysstewart68@gmail.com
Welcome! Please complete card – make sure handwriting is legible. Tear off bottom portion of card and keep for your records. If you are a judge or a choreographer, please indicate in upper right hand corner of card Cards will be collected at the end of the clinic
REQUIRED READING Interscholastic Cheer Coaches’ Packet Sports Medicine Coaches’ Packet Cheer Manual NFHS Spirit Rule Book (sent to schools) Access the documents at www.wvssac.org – click on “Sports” tab, then “Cheerleading”
REQUIRED ONLINE COURSES Concussion In Sports (annually) Sudden Cardiac Arrest (annually) Heat Illness Prevention (one time for new coaches) All courses are free and can be accessed on the WVSSAC homepage (www.wvssac.org)
REQUIRED – Emergency Action Plan ALL schools must complete an Emergency Action Plan annually BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE. Please work with your athletic director and school administrators to make sure it is completed. Fines up to $250 if not completed by first day of practice.
REQUIRED – AS PER NEW LEGISLATION Schools must hold an informational meeting for student athletes and parents prior to the beginning of the season regarding the warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest in children. Schools must submit an online concussion report WITHIN 7 days of the incident for any athlete who is removed from practice or play with a suspected concussion/head injury. Form is on our website.
CONCUSSION RTP PROTOCOL RTP shall be delayed until the athlete is asymptomatic and has undergone a progression of tests to determine if they are able to RTP. Each step/test in the progression takes 24 hours and no more than one progression per day may be completed. If any symptoms occur during the progression, the athlete should rest for 24 hours before attempting the same progression again. No activity with complete physical and cognitive rest. Light aerobic exercise (less than 70% of maximum heart rate). Sport specific exercise (drills specific to the athlete’s sport). Non-contact training drills (more intense sport drills with no contact from other players). Full contact practice (following medical clearance). Return to play (normal game play).
Approved Health Care Providers Who Can Evaluate and Release to RTP Medical Doctor (MD) Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) Physician Assistant (PA-C) Licensed/Registered Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC/R, LAT, ATC) Licensed Physical Therapist
IMPORTANT DATES High School Season Starts – August 5 Regional – November 9 State – December 14 Release Date – Elimination from regional OR state competition All forms due October 7 Middle School Season Starts – August 12 Season Ends – February 29 Release Date – End of county or conference cheer championship
JUDGE AND CHOREOGRAPHER CLINICS August 3 – 1:00-5:00 – WVSSAC August 10 – 1:00-5:00 – EFHS Required for all first time judges and choreographers. Those who have already completed only need to attend first two hours. All choreographers required to successfully complete background check prior to working with teams. Judges must complete exam.
GENERAL INFORMATION Out of season coaching – 3 week window and 6 flex days Sanctioning – form is on website. All competitions must be sanctioned. Non school participation rule Physicals- must have before first practice. Must be dated after May 1. Non educator coaches – One year authorization required from WVDE Outside assistance days – 5 (6 if qualify for state competition) 70% participation rule Music copyright and licensing – www.usacheer.net/music for list of approved providers
Sports Physicals Med Express is honored to support our hometown teams in West Virginia this season. We’re here to help make sure your athlete is healthy and ready for the season ahead. No Appointment is ever necessary. Most insurance accepted, but not required Visits usually last less than an hour Multiple WV locations
ELIGIBILITY AND ROSTERS Schools must submit eligibility and roster forms online prior to the first contest. Fines assessed if not completed. Please work with athletic director and school administrators to complete both and submit online.
REGIONAL COMPETITION Schools that do not compete in regionals are not eligible for any competition for 365 days. If you are not going to participate, please notify the WVSSAC office by October 3 (on letterhead from school principal).
LEGAL DUTIES OF A COACH Properly plan the activity Provide proper instruction Warn of inherent risks Provide a safe physical environment Provide adequate and proper equipment Match athletes appropriately Evaluate athletes for injury or incapacity Supervise activity closely Provide appropriate emergency assistance Protect against physical and psychological harm from others
NEW VENUE FOR STATE COMPETITION Marshall University’s Cam Henderson Center December 14, 2019
RULE CHANGES - UNIFORMS Elimination of rule regarding practice apparel Shorts 3” or longer allowed for non game day events. Not to be worn as part of game day uniform except for special circumstances. Call Cindy for permission. Modified racer backs allowed. Shoulder cutouts and one front cutout allowed above legal neckline. Pants/warm ups allowed as part of uniform for travel, weather, etc. PLEASE READ INTERSCHOLASTIC CAREFULLY REGARDING UNIFORMS! Call if you have any questions before ordering.
RULE CHANGES Reduction of requirement from 8 “8 counts” of dance to 6 “8 counts” in open routine Elimination of rule that prohibits wearing apparel that mentions past championships, honors Elimination of rule that tattoos must be covered. One additional outside assistance day given for teams qualifying for state competition upon request Rule that prohibits cheer teams from being in hand shake line with players. May form line for other cheerleaders only.
GAME DAY! A one day competition event for all high school teams that focuses on the traditional role of cheerleading Game Day format is comprised of 3 one minute routines (preliminary and finals) Band Chant Crowd Leading Fight Song
Why Game Day? Emphasizes traditional cheerleading Increased awareness of student leadership Opportunity for all levels of expertise and experience to participate Promotes school spirit and collaboration Easy preparation, low cost, online training module for coaches
West Virginia Game Day! January 11, 2020 Location – Parkersburg High School Registration Form is on WVSSAC website homepage. Handout available with more information. Online training module will be available mid September.