Presentation for “Precise Fluid Dispenser” I H I Presentation for “Precise Fluid Dispenser” IHS Ishikawajima Hanyoki Service Co.,Ltd Tokyo Japan IHS
History of IHI Lubrication System
What is the “Precise Fluid dispenser” ? IHS
Actual supply to “Electrical equipment” & “Business Machine” IHS
Application for “Audio set”
Application for “Stationary”
Application for “Automotive” IHS
Automotive No.1 for “Door Hinge”
Automotive No.2-1 “Power Window system”
Automotive No.2-2 “Power Window’s Elevator system”
Automotive No.2-3 “Power Window’s Elevator system”
Automotive No.3 “Door Lock system”
Automotive No.4 “Break system”
Automotive No.5 “Sheet Rail” IHS
Automotive No.6 “Wire Connector” IHS
Our item to be installed in Automation machinery No.1
Our item to be installed in Automation machinery No.2
Automotive parts to be feed grease from our item
System for “Precise Fluid Dispenser” IHS
ACG-040 Pneumatic IHS
Feature for ACG-040 pump IHS