Needed for Team A on -End 19-April-05 Needed for Team A on -End Pcrates FO, Fiber Optics Long fibers installed and being tested / measured > ~1 week to complete Need to install jumpers at rack > ~ 1week to complete Install bin covers > install w jumpers Install front covers > ibid Gas > in process HV > in process LV > Being connected – see Petr’s slide Cooling Water Ready for system water Air Turbines – in progress Air ducts – need to finish install Boards Inventory to check db Skew clear cables Some are not connected Protection installed FED crates Missing 9 modules On order ETA unknown Need FO jumpers installed VCC numbers from el db TTC > jumpers installed TF > jumpers installed 11-Nov-19 Commissioning Mtg -- Fred Borcherding
Commissioning Mtg -- Fred Borcherding 19-April-05 Projects (+ and -) Temperature sensors in cavern racks – hardware orders being collected by CMS LV Racks Sensor in inpt and output manifold of each cavern Maraton rack Sensor just above each Maraton crate Sensors in S4F04 rack also HV Racks – shares rack with LV Two sensors within rack below HE Pcrate Racks Sensor on input and output manifold or hose connection for mini-racks Sensor above each pcrate Disk and tower water flow and temperature > CMS responsibility? 24/7 operation >> can we go to 24/7 by start of CROT? DSS Work in progress +End close to Ready Electrical safety approval Petr is working on this CSC group approval > what is our criteria for unattended operation? DCS Monitoring? Alarms? What is status of +End? Duty shifters / on-call experts / remote people? Close all racks for airflow and protection Mini-racks materal on hand > fnish installation Tall tower racks > Some installed, need to design, procure and install remainder 11-Nov-19 Commissioning Mtg -- Fred Borcherding