SPREP MARINE SPECIES ACTION PLANS - MUNDA WORKSHOP MSP revised every 5 years; Intended to guide the national strategies of Members; Due for renewal 2018-22; New MSP will include: Dugong Turtles Whales and dolphins Sharks and rays Drafts prepared for each group.
MUNDA WORKSHOP ABOUT SPREP The Pacific regional agency for the environment; Recognized as the lead agency for biodiversity, climate change, waste management and environmental monitoring and governance in the Pacific Islands Region; Focus on strengthening partnerships and cooperation among Pacific Island countries & territories; Environmental management & protection is the priority focus; BUT Environment cannot be separated from sustainable development in the Pacific region.
Mandate – 1993 SPREP Agreement To promote co-operation in the Pacific region and provide assistance in order to protect and improve its environment and to ensure sustainable development for present and future generations The Pacific environment, sustaining our livelihoods and natural heritage in harmony with our culture
The Pacific Islands region covered by SPREP is enormous – almost twice the size of the continental US
Over 10% of the earth’s surface; Some 38 million sq km; Over 10% of the earth’s surface; Includes the largest remaining tuna stocks; Diverse islands and peoples; An area larger than the moon!! Covering an ocean area of nearly 38 million sq km – or over 10 percent of the Earth’s ocean surface – larger than the moon! – the Pacific Oceanscape hosts the world’s largest remaining stocks of tuna, providing approximately a third of the worlds’ catches of tuna and related species.
SPREP MARINE SPECIES ACTION PLANS - MUNDA WORKSHOP MSP 2013-2017 was ambitious and aspirational; Consequently, many objectives were not achieved; Only a limited response was received from Circulars asking Members to comment on the effectiveness of the MSP 2013-2017 and suggest improvements.
Marine Species Action Plans 2018-2022 SPREP MARINE SPECIES ACTION PLANS - MUNDA WORKSHOP Marine Species Action Plans 2018-2022 In developing draft Action Plans for 2018- 2022, SPREP therefore proposes to significantly reduce the number of actions recommended; This is intended to more closely reflect what Members can reasonably and feasibly achieve with current levels of funding and resources.
DUGONG DRAFT ACTION PLAN MUNDA WORKSHOP 6 range states (Australia, New Caledonia, Palau, PNG, Solomon Is, Vanuatu) - all have signed CMS/GEF MoU on conservation of seagrass and dugong; Largest global population PNG/Torres Strait/Australia; Third-largest global population is in New Caledonia; Palau - most isolated global population; Only current abundance estimates: Torres Strait/Australia and NC.
DUGONG DRAFT ACTION PLAN MUNDA WORKSHOP Outreach actions have been undertaken in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands as part of the CMS/GEF dugong/seagrass programme; A primary aim of this workshop is to review programme; A number of key information gaps still need to be addressed (e.g. directed take and by-catch in gillnets, abundance estimates, impacts of marine debris, necropsies and genetic sampling, habitat mapping, boat strike, ecotourism); Both the draft Dugong Action Plan and this workshop are intended to pportunities for collaborations between Members.
DUGONG DRAFT ACTION PLAN MUNDA WORKSHOP Please review the draft Dugong Action Plan on your memory sticks and suggest any amendments that you think might be needed; Thanks!