Welcome to Year 3
What’s New? Key Stage 2 Curriculum – End of Year expectations in Maths, Reading, Writing, SPAG for Year 3 Shirt and tie Longer morning Pencil case Pen (when ready) Independence and Organisation House Competitions
Daily Routines 8:40 Children come in and get settled 8.50 Registration Mini sessions: handwriting, arithmetic, spag 8.50 Registration 10:20 Break time Snack-fruit Water bottle Playground 12:15 Lunch Afternoon lessons 12.50 – 1.50 and 2.05 – 3.00 Home time 3:00
Reading PLEASE READ FOR PLEASURE AS WELL (comics, magazines, newspapers, latest novels) Read a little every night of school reading book to continue to develop reading skills. Parents/carers to initial reading record. Please discuss formats, characters and storylines. Develop comprehension skills. Changing book independently Remembering to change and bring reading things home independently. School Library (Tuesday) Class Texts Reading Groups Reading partners ( Y6, R and carers)
Fluency Reasoning and Problem Solving White Rose Maths Fluency Reasoning and Problem Solving
PE with Mr.Seuke Monday and Thursday Named kit. No jewellery (earrings, if worn, must be taped over) Monday P.E. Autumn 1 am Spring 1 am Summer 1 am Come to school in P.E. kit. Uniform in bag Autumn 2 pm Spring 2 pm Summer 2 pm Come to school in uniform. P.E. kit in bag. Thursday P.E. Same session throughout the year. Uniform in bag.
Equipment Apron for Art (Grown up’s old shirt or T-shirt) Needs to fit into the trays comfortably Pencil case:- 30cm ruler Pencils Sharpener Rubber Handwriting pen – blue Glue stick (white) Coloured pencils Felt tips (plain normal tip)
Homework Please complete all homework in pencil. Encourage good presentation. Correct holding of pencils, formation of numbers etc. Learning spellings and Spelling sentences / word searches etc. Grammar and punctuation. Handwriting. Spelling Shed. Mathematics (Learning times tables. CD for the car, APPS, Purplemash) Reading Honeycomb Homework Library books changed on a Tuesday. Library Card Homework Due Reading Book and Record Every day Library Book Change / re-issued Tuesday Spelling / PAG given out Wednesday Tuesday Mathematics Honeycomb folders given out Weds
Year 3 – Creative Curriculum Topic Overview 2019 – 2020 Autumn 1 Superheroes Autumn 2 The Tin Forest Spring 1 Twisted Tales Spring 2 Robots Summer 1 Africa Summer 2 Italy and The Romans
School Trips Pizza Express (Summer Term) Wisley Gardens with Mrs Clay (Summer Term)
Others / Updates Website Online Accounts for Purple Mash and Spelling Shed Marking policy and writing in pencil / pen Assessment – ongoing and formally end of each term to check progress. The Star Suite - Mrs Ferryman / Mrs Clark Helpers – Reading / Trip availability Coming to see me. End of each half term – Pop in and see our work!