Software Engineering and Animations Dr. José M. Reyes Álamo
Outline Software Engineering Principles Comments and Documentation Canvases and Image Sprites Timer Events Moving Objects Over Time Assignments
Software Engineering Principles
Involve your prospective users in the process as early and as often as possible.
Build an initial, simpler prototype and then add to it incrementally
Code and test in small increments—never more than a few blocks at a time.
Design the logic for your app before beginning to code
Divide and conquer.
Comment your source code or blocks so you can easily remember and others can understand them.
Learn to trace blocks manually so that you understand how they work.
Timer Events and Moving Objects Over Time Show an example
Final Project Teams Work in team of 2. Final project is 10% of your grade. It should be an App. The topic is open. It can be a game, a tool, or any kind of product.
This week assingments. Brainstorming about final project IN CLASS LAB: LAB8 MoleMash READING ASSIGNMENTS: AppInventor CH18 (Conditional Blocks) AppInventor CH 19 (Programming Lists) READING ASSIGNMENT EVALUATION: Complete the reading assignments and answer the RA9_AppInventorCh18and19 on Blackboard. Idea for final project must be posted on your Portfolio. Make sure it has the instructor’s approval.