Baseline Test! Name the 6 characteristics of life Name the 2 types of microscopes and how they differ. What is a cell? What does selectively permeable mean and how does it work? How does diffusion differ from osmosis? Describe the physiological process of how a human breaths. Name the four components of blood. How do human reflexes work? Who was Charles Darwin, and what did he do? What is the function of the mitochondria?
Unit B: Cells and Systems Copy This Down Unit B: Cells and Systems Have you heard about the new restaurant on the moon? Reports say that the food is good but there is no atmosphere!
1.1 The Characteristics of Living Things Pre-Activity On a piece of paper make a small table with 2 columns One heading entitled ‘Living’, the other ‘Nonliving’. You have 1minute to place the following items under the appropriate heading: Radio, Tree, Cork, Seeds, Rock, Virus, Bear, Bacteria Living Nonliving
How do you know something is alive? What are some characteristics to tell if something is alive? In your group, 3 minutes to figure out how is something alive. After, pass your paper to other groups (1 minute each) to critique.
Six Characteristics of ALL Living Things Copy This Down Made of cells Need energy Grow and develop Respond to the environment Reproduce Adaptations for their environment
Copy This Down Definition: Organism Living things
All living things have Cells! Copy This Down All living things have Cells! The cell is the basic unit of life All organisms are made up of at least 1 cell Usually microscopic in size, Trillions of microscopic cells in trees or us! Non living things are NOT made of cells Exception: Things that used to be living
All living things need Energy! Copy This Down All living things need Energy! Energy is the ability to make things move or change Organisms get energy from the environment Plants Sun Animals Surrounding environment
Definition: Nutrients Copy This Down Definition: Nutrients Substances that provide the energy and materials that organisms need to grow, develop and reproduce
Energy (continued…) Energy is used inside CELLS Copy This Down Energy is converted for us to use Needs to be a balance Too much Obesity Too little malnutrition The sum of all the different processes that happen in an organism is called the organism’s metabolism
ALL living things Respond to the Environment! Copy This Down ALL living things Respond to the Environment! Definitions: Stimulus Anything that causes a response in an organism Response An organism’s reaction to a stimulus
ALL living things Grow and Develop Copy This Down ALL living things Grow and Develop Bigger and change of structure Development: Changing of body shape
ALL living things Reproduce! Copy This Down All living things come from other living things Did you know? Scientists in the 1700’s thought flies come from non-living things?? Called spontaneous reproduction Reproduction does not mean an individual organism will survive, but the survival of the species
ALL living things Adapt to their Environment Copy This Down Definition: Adaptation Physical characteristic or behavior of a species that increases the species’ chances of survival in a particular environment Allows the organism to live in its environment
Activity Answers Living Tree Seeds Bear Bacteria Non-living Radio Cork Rock Virus
Being Principled…Looking At Organisms In new lab groups! At your lab station, look at the organism: 1) Identify why it is called living 2) What are 3 ways your group is able to classify each species? Ex. Dog, cat, fig tree, mushroom, algae, fish, Plants/animals Eyes/ no eyes Water/land Type of cells Cell wall/ no cell wall
Your Turn! Be Principled! Copy This Down Your Turn! Be Principled! Pg 88 Check & Reflect # 1-4 Due Next Class Write in Your AGENDAS!