CS3733-2019a-spring-midterm-survey CS3733 Midterm1 Report CS3733-2019a-spring-midterm-survey March 3rd 2019, 9:12 pm MST
M1Q1 M1Q2 M1Q3 M1Q4 M1Q5 OnlineSurvey M1TotalWithBonus M1expected AVG all 12.00 17.01 11.80 15.33 15.19 1.76 73.11 71.16 AVG sec1 11.15 17.21 12.07 14.67 15.36 1.85 72.31 69.98 AVG sec2 12.97 16.79 11.50 16.08 14.99 1.67 74.00 72.63
Ssection - Please select your CS 3733 section number*:
Q16 - Compared to sample midterms, how would you rank the difficulty of the midterm exam?
SQ1 - Did you solve the sample midterm exams provided at the class web page?
SQ3 - How useful were the provided sample midterm exams in preparing you for the midterm exam you just took?
1713yesno - Did you take CS 2123 Data Structures (in C) at UTSA?
DS vs midterm1
Q116 - Did you take CS 3423 System Programming at UTSA?
Q118 - What grade did you get for CS 3423 system programming (or for the corresponding course that you transferred)?
Q16 - Please let us know if you have any comments to improve this course. I would like to have a review the class day before the test to check answers I got on the practice midterm, I have another class during office hours. Not on the course, mostly on the exam. Many of the slides for the course are great! But I really felt like I didn't have time to think in the midterm, I just had time to write. I think the test is too long, especially if you didn't do the practice exams. test was too long for the amount of time Less about this class but in the classes before I have not used makefiles or GDB. The previous classes I took here they were mentioned but completely optional. I usually use visual studios so there was a bit of a learning curve switching to Linux based for the beginning of this class. We did use Linux shell scripts but we didn’t have to do any coding through Linux The course is great so far, the notes are very helpful. The only thing I thought that could change on this exam was question 1’s amount of sub parts: It ended up taking more time than i should’ve spent on one question, which is partially my fault for not looking ahead in the exam. Practice problems during the class. Make it more interactive.
Q16 - Please let us know if you have any comments to improve this course. I think some more practice questions with the solutions for reference would be good. Doesn't have to be for a grade, just good examples that a student could check themselves against. The test was too long for the time given. I was writing the entire time. I managed to finish though, alhamdulilah Maybe some leniency on late assignment. Like some percent off per day late. That test was a lot of material to cover for an hour and fifteen minutes. The only question I had problems was the static one but it's not that it was overtly hard I just got stuck in a mindset and I didn't realize it until after the exam quizzes could be clearer on how to solve them I don't have many comments at this point, the course seems pretty solid so far. could have smaller paper homework for more practice of calculating cpu stats. The exam was too long to be thorough about my answers. I was answering questions quickly and I still didnt have time to double check anything. Other than that, the question difficulty was very appropriate
Q16 - Please let us know if you have any comments to improve this course. The test was probably too long for the time we had. It might be helpful to get a review on some of the information needed to know for the short answer part of the test. There’s a lot of possible small stuff to memorize for that part and it’s hard to memorize all of it or figure out what will be the most important. The test was too long. I usually finish tests with enough time to review my answers. This time I did not because I was working the entire time. I just feel the course is pretty fast paced. Professor is really good at teaching but since I did not take datastructures with him.. I am struggling a bit. Wish I had a chance to take it. Keep up the good work 😎 Solutions for all of the provided sample midterm exams would be very useful I think I would've gotten an A if I had enough time. Question one was too long. I ran out of time at the end because I spent too long on that. Maybe chop one or two parts off of it.
Q16 - Please let us know if you have any comments to improve this course. Schedule not up to day, classroom stinks A bit long for the time provided Lectures are hard to follow, Diagrams illustrated in class are often times confusing, at least to me. I attempted to complete section 5 Pipes IPC in the last 2 minutes of the exam shortening the midterm to accommodate students who take more time with test taking. Make videos on everything just like data structure because everything seems to go fast in the class and with the video we can pause it and rewind to understand more about the topic and also we can use it to reference in the future The notes could use a refresh to make them easier to understand and interpret. More review! Please give a review for the test. Too much material in the slides to remember everything.
Q16 - Please let us know if you have any comments to improve this course. I believe the questions were too lengthy to read and deconstruct into written code in the given time. I also found spring 2019's essay questions requiring much more detail where I had to weight out which ones cost more points to dedicate my time to. The sample midterm questions made me wish I took the class in 2017 as they seemed more appropriate in length than what we were given in 2019. A hw0 would help ease students into the course, low point value assign to prepare students for expectations and programming standards Test was a little too long Just wanted to say sorry about being late I hope you will accept this and I felt like the test was a little long overall and I thought it was definitely more challenging then the practice tests but the practice tests still helped More python :) The midterm was a little long. It felt rushed I would like if you could post all the powerpoints early so i have a chance to learn the material before going to class.
Q16 - Please let us know if you have any comments to improve this course. The short answer questions on the exam cover a very broad area of the course. Maybe it should be narrowed down slightly to cover more important concepts, not just anything that was covered. Not releasing the answers to past midterms is extremely detrimental. There are many external factors that could prevent a student from going to office hours to see if they did the practice test correctly. One less question and less lengthy explanation for the terminology. I think it would be helpful if you could draw important diagrams and memory shelf examples on the Document Camera instead of the Chalkboard.