Norman Class and Viking Class Welcome to Year 2 Norman Class and Viking Class
Routines PE - Monday and Wednesday The children we begin to take more responsibility for belongings and changing reading books. Tuesday afternoons – Normans are taught by Mrs Peace Vikings are taught by Mrs Branch Show and tell – as and when, not scheduled this year
Reading We aim to read twice a week ‘one to one’ with the children Children are still reading on other days in a curriculum context More independence changing so may have teething problems Oxford Reading Buddy – tool for encouraging and developing comprehension skills, there will be an expectation to use this at least once a week at home. We will be monitoring their use and children will be developing a reward system to encourage them to use. Comprehension is a key area to develop, reasoned thoughts, linking knowledge and themes from other stories.
Spelling Spelling expectations in the National Curriculum are challenging. Whole class spelling sessions in classes to try to embed the tricky spelling patterns. SPELLING SHED – online spelling practice activity for use at home and in school. Despite the high expectations, children will always be encouraged to have a go or use their phonic knowledge and pressure to spell correctly will not be passed to them in school.
Maths Large focus is on reasoning – being able to explain why….. How do you know? Understanding place value Addition and subtraction, mental and written methods Multiplication and division Time – to 5 minutes Money – giving change and making amounts in different ways
Number and place value, addition and subtraction. Harvest Term Christmas Term Epiphany Term Lent Term Easter Term Trinity Term YEAR 2 Literacy Africa Fire and Dragons Space Under the Sea Enchanted Lands Famous People Mathematics Number and place value, addition and subtraction. Subtraction, money, multiplication and division. Multiplication and division, statistics, shape. Fractions, length and height. Position and direction, problem solving. Time, mass, capacity and temperature. Investigations. Science Animals including humans Materials Plants Animals and their habitats Computing Graphics on the screen Combining text, images and sound Internet Safety Algorithms Scratch Programming Data handling – sort, capture and present data Religious Education Christianity Theme: What did Jesus teach? Concept: Gospel Christmas - Jesus as gift from God Concept: Incarnation Islam Prayer at home Easter - Resurrection Concept: Salvation Community and Belonging Hajj History Great Fire of London Events within living memory Famous People from the past Geography Continents of the world Contrasting locality Oceans of the world Four countries of the UK Art African art Colour Space art Sealife art Imagination Famous Artists Design & Technology Musical instruments Sewing Recycled materials Homes Physical Education Games African Dance Gymnastics Swimming Dance Athletics Music Specialist Music Teaching Topic based music PHSE Being me in my world Celebrating difference Dreams and goals Healthy me Relationships Changing me Food Technology African Gumbo Baking bread Fairy Cakes
Government Testing - SATs Summer Term Assessments carried out with a very low profile ALL assessments are used to supplement teacher assessments