Radio Nutrition Education Intervention INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICES, BY INTERVENTION GROUP CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIO USAGE AMONG CAREGIVERS (TOTAL=639) 57% own a radio 76% can access a radio 35% listened several times a week 28% have control over station to listen to INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD KNOWLEGE CHILD DIETARY DIVERSITY Knowledge score : a total of 15 questions on infant and young child feeding. Child dietary diversity (WHO): ≥ 4 of 7 food groups = grains; roots & tubers; legumes & nuts; dairy products; flesh foods; eggs; vitamin A-rich fruits & vegetables; other fruits & vegetables Average age of children (baseline) = 24 mo Average age of children (endline) = 37 mo Notes:
MATERNAL TIME ALLOCATION TO CHILD CARE IN THE UPPER MANYA KROBO DISTRICT MEAN AGE = 28 YEARS 69 % OF MOTHERS ARE MARRIED 1% HAVE SECONDARY EDUCATION How do mothers spend their day time? 6 hours of observation Intervention- Participants involved in the Agric-Nutrition Intervention Control-Participants not involved in the Agric-Nutrition Intervention Notes: n=147