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Presentation transcript:

802.24 Vertical Applications TAG September 2019 Hanoi, Vietnam Tim Godfrey, EPRI

doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> 802.24 Overview Officers TAG Chair: Tim Godfrey Secretary & TAG Vice Chair: Ben Rolfe Task Groups 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG Tim Godfrey 802.24.2 IoT TG Chris DiMinico 27 Voting Members Agenda: 24-19-0025-00 Meetings for the Week Tuesday PM2 24.1 Wednesday PM2 24.1 Manual attendance tracking for 802.1 & 802.3 members <author>, <company>

802.24 Agenda - September 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam 24-19-0025-01-0000 Tuesday PM2 1.1 Call session to order, present “Guidelines for IEEE SA meetings”, Quorum Godfrey 5 4:00 PM 1.2 Review of Agenda / Approval of Agenda 4:05 PM 1.3 Approve minutes from prior TAG meeting 4:10 PM 1.4 Introduction/meeting objectives / Review action items from previous meeting 4:15 PM 1.5 ITU and regulatory items Godfrey/Holcomb 15 4:20 PM 1.6 Licensed Narrowband Amendment Ad-Hoc, discussion on PAR development and plans for November 30 1.7 IEEE Power Engineering Society PSCC S6 Liaison Response: "IoT for Connected Home" 45 4:50 PM 1.8 Publishing status of TSN White Paper 5:35 PM Recess 5:50 PM 2 Wednesday PM2 2.1 Call to Order 2.2 Low Latency White Paper Holland 2.3 Network Enablers for Seamless HMD-based VR (Virtual Reality) Godfrey / Seo 4:30 PM 2.4 "IEEE 802 Solutions for Vertical Applications" White Paper 5:00 PM 2.5 802.24 New Action Items, New Activities, AOB 5:30 PM 2.6 5:45 PM Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Guidelines for IEEE-SA Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. This slide set is available at IEEE 802 Executive Committee

Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings November 2016 doc.: ec-16-0149-00-00EC Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings Participation in any IEEE 802 meeting (Sponsor, Sponsor subgroup, Working Group, Working Group subgroup, etc.) is on an individual basis • Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. ( section 5.2.1) • IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. (subclause 4.2.1 “Establishment”, of the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures) • Participants have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. A Participant’s obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. • Participants shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see section and the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures, subclause 3.4.1 “Chair”, list item x. By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate. (Latest revision of IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures: ) Slide 5 IEEE 802 Executive Committee Page 5 Dorothy Stanley, HP Enterprise

Administration Attendance take on IMAT Web page Mailing list Reciprocal rights for most WGs Web page Mailing list (voters list) Document archive IEEE 802 announcement reflector, Send email to with no subject and with the following 2 lines appearing first in the body of the message Subscribe stds-802-all end Tim Godfrey, EPRI

802.24 TAG Approve July TAG minutes TAG Action Items from July: Teleconference Minutes 802.24-19-0021r0 Minutes of August 5th Teleconference 802.24-19-0023r0 Minutes of Sept 3rd Teleconference TAG Action Items from July: none Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Radio Regulatory Items Update from 802.18 – Jay Holcomb Anything from WRC-19 for critical infrastructure Edward Au has a presentation on WRC-19 Agenda items from APT. For Asia, but could become global. Document 18-19-128 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Licensed Narrowband Amendment ad-hoc teleconferences <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Licensed Narrowband Amendment ad-hoc teleconferences Two teleconferences hosted by 802.24 Minutes and Draft PAR and CSD posted on Mentor 802.24-19-0021r0 Minutes of August 5th Teleconference 802.24-19-0022r0 Draft PAR 802.24-19-0023r0 Minutes of Sept 3rd Teleconference 802.24-19-0024r0 Draft CSD Discussion on moving project into 802.15 Participants and stakeholders are in favor Tim Godfrey, EPRI <author>, <company>

Licensed Narrowband Amendment <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Licensed Narrowband Amendment Task Group participants – a list of 19 individuals have been identified from industry events over the past year Next Steps and Timeline This week – discuss and form recommended plan of action Are any WG motions needed by 802.15 to confirm or support process? Should an 802.15 Study Group be formed? Should 802.15 assign SG meeting slots in November for PAR response? Tim Godfrey, EPRI <author>, <company>

Licensed Narrowband Amendment Timeline <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Licensed Narrowband Amendment Timeline October 1st EC Teleconference Request agenda item to brief EC on plan for PAR Next Licensed Narrowband 802.24 Teleconference – October 1st If SG is formed here, should telecon be moved to 802.15 or jointly? Final review and editing of PAR and CSD PAR submittal by 30 day deadline before November plenary – October 11th Would be initiated by 802.15 if an 802.15 Task Group will do the project. November Plenary Possible meeting slots for SG PAR review and response actions Tim Godfrey, EPRI <author>, <company>

Continue conducting PAR/CSD development in 802.24 Approve the PAR/CSD this week (with editorial license) Conduct motion to approve on Wednesday Send to Roger Marks for review Change PAR WG names to 802.24 as the TAG developing the PAR Circulate to EC to update them on the strategy. PAR developed by 802.24, assigned to 802.15 October 1st EC Teleconference Request agenda item to brief EC on plan for PAR 802.24 will submit PAR to EC by November plenary deadline 802.24 will provide a forum in November for PAR comments EC will assign project to 802.15. Form Task Group 802.15.16 Attendees of first Task Group meeting will be granted 802.15 voting rights Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Liaison Review P2413 Ludwig Winkel ATIS TOPS Farrokh Khatibi Wi-Fi Alliance (Informal) Alan Berkema IEC SEG8 Patrick Wetterwald (concluding) IEEE PSCC TF S6 Marc Lacroix IEEE P2030.5 Bob Heile Industrial Internet Consortium Wael Diab (status?) assign to Chris D Tim Godfrey, EPRI

IEEE Power Engineering Society PSCC S6 Liaison Report: IoT for Connected Home – Communication and Cybersecurity Requirements Draft 0,8 in 802.24 Private Area 802.24 contributed Section 6 S6 Committee is requesting our help to merge section 6 and 7 into new structure: 6. Communication technologies for IoT 6.1 Present situation (current section 7) 6.2 Emerging solutions (current section 6) Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Publishing Status of TSN White Paper Missing references corrected in last review version. Review final draft if available from IEEE editors. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Wednesday 802.24 TAG Tim Godfrey, EPRI

“Low latency” White Paper Achieving low latency with IEEE 802 standards Including wired and wireless communications An alternative (or complement) to 5G URLLC A set of vertical applications enabled by low latency The challenges of reliable low latency in unlicensed spectrum. Adapting TSN’s “FRER” feature Adapting 802 wireless to licensed spectrum? Operating over multiple bands or channels? Special cases for high data rates for immersive video Tim Godfrey, EPRI

“Low latency” White Paper AR/VR Take 802.21 white paper, dissect use cases and requirements. Goal for white paper Influence 802.11be or other groups working in low-latency areas Outreach to other standard groups Review progress since meeting: Dillon will take 802.21 white paper “21-18-0061-04-0000-a-white-paper-on-use-cases-and-requirements-for-supporting-hmd-based-vr-applications” and use as source text for next revision of White Paper draft “24-19-0003-03-0000-low-latency-communication-white-paper” Check with Alan Jones to see if there is an interest in creating a contribution based in RTA TIG output. Tim will take some use cases from TSN white paper for utility applications Consider a section to distinguish between latency and jitter implications. Low latency also has implications on reliability, predictability, etc Oliver Holland leading white paper development Notes captured into draft after July meeting: Current Draft 802.24-19-0003r4 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

AR/VR collaboration in 802.24 AR/VR is an identified vertical application for Smart Grid (electric utilities) for field force, safety, and training 802.24 will liaise to other WGs if they develop amendments to their standards to support low latency. The low-latency white paper will provide input on requirements to WGs Vertical Application areas can provide input on specific use cases Include representatives from related activities in other WG’s: 802.1 TSN, 802.11be, 802.15.3e 802.24 host development and collaboration Build on 802.24 Low Latency White Paper Broadly define the set of applications (vertical and otherwise) around bounded / low latency Look at the VR architecture diagram and consider the appropriate standard for each link. They will be a mix of wireless and wired. In current white paper, latency limit is 5mS. Combination of wired/wireless. Some use case may incorporate a WAN. Existing testing shows challenges exceeding two hops (switches) in a network IEEE 802 could provide comparable services to what is promised by 5G. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Discussion What are the key requirements for QoE for AR/VR? Are latency and jitter separate? Motion to Photon latency – 20mS Upper Bound Jitter doesn’t really matter if latency bound is met Dillon: Need for this work in IEEE 802 is based on prohibitive cost of serving these applications over commercial cellular Consider an IEEE 802 scenario using existing standards: 802.1 TSN with 10G Ethernet, and 802.11ac, ad, or ax Identify gaps and contribute to 802.11be as a proposed requirement. Need to ensure that TSN end-to-end mechanisms can be adopted into 802.11 802.21 scenario with moving train – between heterogeneous networks Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Next Steps 802.21 to provide text contributions Goal is to have the real time white paper by 2020? Bring together various working groups to solve issues for VR and performance. Application space is driven by ever increasing resolution. Target HDMI 1.2 specification. Resolution and frame rate drive data rate. Can it be compressed? This can be seen as alternative to 5G approaches, but standards-based and lower cost to use. Show how Wi-Fi technology can provide an equally good or better result and performance (bandwidth and low jitter and low latency) Map identified uses cases on to various IEEE 802 standards. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

"IEEE 802 Solutions for Vertical Applications" Previously called “Network Integration” Draft White Paper From July IEEE802-24/19-0017r1 Volunteers requested provide text contributions Tim Godfrey, EPRI

802.15.4g and 802.11ah Coexistence (802.19.3) 802.24 will develop a whitepaper/document for application-specific use cases. Identifying where each standard is most suitable, and how to make best use of other changes. Identify use cases where 802.15.4g is not sufficient and both are needed Could be choices of applications, channel guidelines, duty cycle, Avoid perception that 802 standards are unable to coexist Evaluate and describe potential application-level implications of delay/latency increases due to mutual interference 802.19.3 project schedule: WG Ballot Sept 2019 ? SA Ballot November 2019 ? Consider starting white paper development in November if 19.3 project is on schedule? Tim Godfrey, EPRI

2019 TAG Activity Plan “Low latency” White Paper Include 802.21 AR/VR activity Nendica FFIOT is completed – any material to reference? “IEEE 802 Solutions for Vertical Applications” white paper about unique benefits of IEEE 802 architecture A whitepaper/document for application-specific use cases of Sub 1GHz standards 802.15.4g and 802.11ah. Identifying where each standard is most suitable, and how to make best use of mechanisms proposed in 802.19.3 TG. Can this also include applying 802.15.4s in sub-1GHz spectrum? 2H 2019 for starting TBD 802.24 white paper on IoT and P2413 Update of first Smart Grid white paper to address latest amendments of 802.15.4 u, v, w, x, y, Revmd Tim Godfrey, EPRI

802.24 TAG closing Action Items from this meeting Any New Business? Tim Godfrey, EPRI