12th Grade Vocab Words – UNIT 2 1. ACCOST- v – to approach and speak to first; to confront in a challenging or aggressive way. SYN – confront ANT – avoid, shun ex. The nobleman was ____ (ed) by beggars on the way to the castle. 2. ANIMADVERSION- n– a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval SYN - Reproof, rebuke ANT. – praise, compliment ex. The film critic was disheartened by the ___ of the film critic. 3. AVID - adj – desirous of something to the point of greed; intensely eager SYN – keen, enthusiastic, grasping ANT – reluctant, indifferent ex. An _____ fan of the Braves. 4. BRACKISH- adj – having a salty taste and unpleasant to drink SYN – briny, saline ANT – fresh, clear, sweet ex. The shipwrecked passengers became ill after drinking ___ water. 5. CELERITY- n – swiftness, rapidity of motion or action SYN – promptness, alacrity, speed ex. The police responded with _____.
12th Grade Vocab Words – UNIT 2 6. DEVIOUS- adj – straying or wandering from a straight or direct course; done or acting in a shifty or underhanded way. SYN – indirect, tricky, sly ANT – direct, straightforward, open ex. The interrogator used _____ methods to get the criminal to incriminate himself. 7. GAMBIT- n – an opening move that involves risk or sacrifice of a minor part to gain an advantage. SYN – ploy, stratagem, ruse , maneuver ex. A surprising ____ in the chess match was a sacrifice of the knight. 8. HALCYON - n – legendary bird identified with the kingfisher; adj – calm, peaceful, golden, happy, prosperous, affluent (qualities associated with the legendary bird) SYN – tranquil, serene, ANT – chaotic, turbulent ex. The ____ days of vacation at the beach. 9. HISTRIONIC adj – theatrical, artificial, melodramatic Ex. A _____ acceptance speech for his Grammy award 10. INCENDIARY - adj – deliberately setting or causing fires; designed to start fires, tending to stir up strife or rebellion. ex. An ____ device
12th Grade Vocab Words – UNIT 2 11. MAELSTROM - n – a whirlpool of great size and violence; a situation that resembles a whirlpool in violence or destruction. SYN – vortex, chaos, turbulence. ex. The ____ of the revolution 12. MYOPIC - adj – nearsighted; lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation SYN – shortsighted ex. ____ foreign policy led to problems 13. OVERT - adj – open, not hidden, expressed in a way that is easily recognized SYN – clear, obvious ANT – secret, clandestine ex. An __________ threat 14. PEJORATIVE - adj – tending to make worse; expressing disapproval or disparagement, derogatory, deprecatory, belittling. ANT – complimentary ex. Objecting to a ____ remark made by the prosecutor 15. PROPIETY - n – the state of being mannered and proper, appropriateness ex. The social worker questioned the ___ of the policeman’s request for information.
12th Grade Vocab Words – UNIT 2 16. SACRILEGE - n. improper or disrespectful treatment of something held sacred. SYN – desecration, defilement ex. The anthropologist was accused of ___ when she disturbed an ancient burial ground. 17. SUMMARILY– adv – without delay or formality; briefly, concisely SYN – promptly, abruptly ex. _____ ousted from office for the scandal. 18. SUPPLIANT– adj. Asking humbly or earnestly; n-one who makes a request humbly and earnestly, a petitioner or suitor. Ex. (n) The losing side returned from battle not as victors, but as ____ (s). 19. TALISMAN– n. An object that serves as a charm or is believed to confer magical powers, an amulet. ex. A rabbit’s foot is a ___ that brings good luck. 20. UNDULATE- v. to move in waves or with a wavelike motion; to have a wavelike appearance or form. SYN – ripple, fluctuate, rise and fall. The baseball fans began to ___ as they cheered, doing the wave.