Effective Communication Unit 2: Communication
Perfect Pairs A post-it note will be placed on your back and you must not take it off/look at it. You will need to go around the room asking “YES or NO” questions to your classmates. You can NOT ask who you are, only for clues to guess who you are. You may also not tell the other person the name on their post-it note. You need to figure out who you are and find your matching pair before time runs out.
Class Discussion Is it possible to not communicate? Explain Finish the phrase: “Communication is…” How easy is it to communicate effectively?
Define Communicate: Ways we communicate: Verbal Non-verbal To share or exchange information, news, or ideas. Ways we communicate: Verbal Non-verbal
Active Listening When you focus your full attention on what the other person is saying and letting that person know you understand and care. Examples: Showing interest by looking at the person, nodding your head, and showing concern on your face. Avoid passing judgment. Do NOT be a “one upper” or turn the conversation to yourself.
Styles of Communication: Assertive This is the ability to stand up for yourself while expressing your feelings in a way that does not threaten the other person.
Aggressive You communicate opinions and feelings in a way that may seem threatening or disrespectful to other people.
Passive This is when you hold back your true feelings and go along with the other person.
Body Language This includes your posture, gestures, facial expressions, and body movements.
What is an “I” Message? I-messages are often used with the intent to be assertive without putting the listener on the defensive
Heads Up You will get into teams of 5-6 people Each round, 1 person on your team will choose a category and you will have to help them figure out the word on the screen. You can not say any of the words on the screen. You can not rhyme any words Only give clues to your team, when it is your turn.