RC Transition and Tools (WIT, ECC) Update


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Presentation transcript:

RC Transition and Tools (WIT, ECC) Update WECC ISAS Meeting Sep 18, 2019 Danielle Smith & Dede Subakti (RC West) Jeremy West (Peak Reliability)

ECC Update

Current Update on ECC – Formation of ECC Working Group ECC Task Force was disbanded and ECC Working Group (ECCWG) was formed The ECCWG will provide technical advice to the RC regarding the decisions affecting the sustainment and improvement of the Enhanced Curtailment Calculator (ECC) tool. ECCWG will continue to work and interface with Unscheduled Flow Committee (UFC), WECC MIC, and WECC OC ECCWG does not have the authority to change policies related to standards or tariffs. To the extent any enhancements or changes are identified that may affect implementation of reliability standards or tariff, the ECCWG will coordinate at the appropriate WECC, NERC, and FERC forums.

Current Update on ECC – Transition Timeline As part of the transition, webECC, a separate instance of webIntegrity, has been developed. webECC will utilize input from RC West’s EMS model. Proposed timeline is currently under discussion with ECCWG

Proposed Parallel Operations Activities During parallel operations, each Qualified Path Operator is expected to issue UFMP requests in both the official tool of record (webIntegrity) and in the parallel operations system (webECC). The appropriate RC will acknowledge the UFMP requests in the respective systems as shown in the table below: Path QP Operator (both systems) RC for webIntegrity RC for webECC 30, 31, 36 WAPA Peak SPP 66 CISO RC West

Training and Outreach webECC has no functionality changes compared to webIntegrity. It has an identical user interface as the webIntegrity application; as such, training is not be required for current users of webIntegrity as they transition to webECC. There will be a new URL to access webECC Outreach will be performed by the RCs and the ECC Working Group so that all operations end users are aware of the webECC transition on December 3, 2019.

WIT Update

Current Update on WIT – Formation of WIT Working Group Last WIT User Group is scheduled for October 10, 2019 and WIT Working Group (WITWG) will be formed The WITWG will provide technical advice to the RC regarding the decisions affecting the sustainment and improvement of WIT. WITWG will continue to work and interface with WECC ISAS, WECC MIC, and WECC OC WITWG does not have the authority to change policies related to standards or tariffs. To the extent any enhancements or changes are identified that may affect implementation of reliability standards or tariff, the WITWG will coordinate at the appropriate WECC, NERC, and FERC forums.

Current Update on WIT – Transition Timeline As part of the transition, WIT Change Order has been developed for Multiple RC. Proposed timeline for the Change Order implementation is as follow

Current Update on WIT – Transition Timeline Peak will continue to perform daily WIT Administration until October 31, 2019 RC West and SPP will become WIT Administrators for their footprints on November 1, 2019 Peak will perform the following activities past Nov. 1: Checkout of October inadvertent data (mid-Nov.) Support of Delta Time Error value until replaced by RC West (mid-Nov.)

Training and Outreach WIT has no new functionality for BAs All changes are to separate WIT BA Data Administration between RC West and SPP RC West procedure review SPP procedure review Additional training will be provided as needed by future Administrators

WIT Change Requests Change Requests Total MW's ATF Tags May 8 145 1   June 7 454 5 July 16 1418 15 August 4 99

Next WIT User Group Webinar October 10, 2019 10:00 – 12:00 PDT Scheduled for two hours to allow discussion of Administration transfer and new WIT Working Group If there is anything you want added to the agenda, please contact Jeremy West (jwest@peakrc.com)