BACKGROUND: AGENDA 2063 In September 2015, the African Union Member States adopted Agenda 2063 as an overarching framework for addressing past injustices and realization of the Pan-African vision of an “integrated and prosperous Africa” The founding policy framework for the AU Agenda 2063 is the Abuja Treaty of 1991 In 1980, the OAU (predecessor to the AU) Extraordinary Summit adopted the Lagos Plan of Action, as a major step towards the goal of regional integration The commitments in this Plan and the Final Act of Lagos were translated into concrete form in Abuja, Nigeria in June 1991, when the OAU Heads of State and Government signed the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community (AEC).
BACKGROUND: AGENDA 2063 The aim of the AEC is to promote economic, social and cultural development as well as African economic integration. Following the marking of the Golden Jubilee of the OAU/AU in 2013 and the adoption of a Solemn Declaration, the Assembly of Heads of States mandated a process of creating an Agenda that will define the next fifty years for Africa. The AU Agenda 2063 aspirations are: A Prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development An Integrated Continent, Politically united, and based on the ideals of Pan Africanism.
ASPIRATIONS OF AGENDA 2063 (contd) An Africa of Good Governance, Respect for Human Rights, Justice and the Rule of Law. A Peaceful and Secure Africa. An Africa with a strong Cultural Identity, Values and Ethics. An Africa whose development is people-driven, especially relying on the potential offered by its youth and women Africa as a Strong and Influential Global Player and Partner The time frame of 50 years for the implementation of Agenda 2063 is symbolic as it will be the centenary of the founding of OAU, which was the precursor to the AU
AGENDA 2063 IN FOCUS Agenda 2063 is the Continent’s strategic framework for its socio-economic transformation over the next 50 years. It is about the Africa we want to build in the future based on the seven aspirations. It seeks to place the continent on a developmental path towards the realisation of the African Union (AU)’s vision of: “An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in international arena”.
AGENDA 2063 IN FOCUS It builds and accelerates the implementation of Continental initiatives for transformative, inclusive growth and sustainable socio-economic development. South Africa’s National Development Plan is aligned with Agenda 2063, as well as with Agenda 2030 of the UN. In addition to Agenda 2063, the first of 5 ten year implementation plans have been adopted by the AU. Amongst other things, the First Ten Year Implementation Plan identifies a number of flagship programmes/initiatives which should be realised by 2023.
AGENDA 2063: FLAGSHIP PROJECTS Annual African Forum- has been renamed the African Economic Platform (AEP) and is a platform for the private sector, government and civil society to discuss the developments, constraints as well as measures to be taken to realise Agenda 2063. The first AEP took place in Mauritius in 2017. African Passport and free movement of people - adopted in January 2018. Summit adopted the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community relating to Free Movement of Persons, Rights of Residence and Right of Establishment (the Free Movement Protocol) and its Implementation Roadmap.
AGENDA 2063: FLAGSHIP PROJECTS (contd) South Africa has serious concerns with the Protocol and its implementation roadmap; and has proposed the inclusion of enablers or preconditions that must be met before the implementation of the Protocol e.g. Effective civil registration and reliable movement control systems This view is shared by SADC and some other AU Member States Single African Air Transport Market- (SAATM). This was launched at the January 2018 Summit. The purpose of SAATM is to harmonise and liberalise African air transport markets.
AGENDA 2063: FLAGSHIP PROJECTS (contd) Silencing the Guns by 2020- The Master Road Map for Silencing the Guns by 2020 was adopted by Assembly in January 2017, work is on-going. The Assembly appointed a High Level Representative for Silencing the Guns, Mr Ramtane Lamamra of Algeria Continental Free Trade Area- was launched at an Extra-Ordinary Session of the Assembly on 21 March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda. South Africa signed the AfCFTA during the July 2018 Summit. Integrated High Speed Train Network- Comprehensive feasibility study is underway; the network is founded on the interest of each country to link up with its neighbours.
AGENDA 2063: FLAGSHIP PROJECTS (contd) Establishment of African Financial Institutions-African Central Bank, African Investment Bank, African Monetary Fund and Pan African Stock Exchange are envisaged. Member States are slow in ratifying the instruments for African Investment Bank, and African Monetary Fund African Commodity Strategy- The strategy is being updated by the AUC to include the transformation and processing of commodities and the development of regionals value chains. Grand Inga Dam Project- A bilateral agreement has been signed between SA and DRC. Negotiations with Nigeria and Egypt (Suez Canal Economic Zone Authority). World Bank has withdrawn support.
AGENDA 2063: FLAGSHIP PROJECTS (contd) African Outer Space Strategy- the Assembly adopted the Statute on the Establishment of the African Space Agency in January 2018. Africa Virtual and E-University- aims at increasing accessing to tertiary and continuing education in Africa in multiple sites simultaneously. Pan African E-Network- envisages putting in place policies and strategies that will lead to transformative e-application and services in Africa.
AGENDA 2063: FLAGSHIP PROJECTS (contd) The advancement of all Agenda 2063 projects is steered by the Ministerial Follow-Up Committee. Its mandate is centred on strategic orientation, efficiency, financing and accountability in the delivery of Agenda 2063 and its First Ten-Year Implementation Plan and successive plans. The last substantive meeting of the Ministerial Follow-Up Committee took place in Nouakchott, Mauritania
SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL POSITION ON AGENDA 2063 South Africa continues to support regional and continental processes to effectively respond to crises, promote peace and security, strengthen regional integration, significantly increase intra-African trade and champion sustainable development in the continent. South Africa supports the development objectives and aims of Agenda 2063 in the context of strengthening African cooperation, integration and for promoting inclusive development, peace and security. The support for the Agenda is informed by the understanding that South Africa’s destiny is intricately linked to that of the Continent.
SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL POSITION ON AGENDA 2063 South Africa believes that regional and continental integration are the foundation for Africa’s socio-economic development and political unity and are essential for the Continent’s prosperity and security. Due to the alignment of Agenda 2063 and the National Development Plan, one can safely say the implementation of. Agenda 2063 is already integrated in South African Government Plans and Programmes. Some government departments and some state organs have already started to integrate Agenda 2063 into their programmes.