Evaluating the skin in patients undergoing chimeric antigen receptor modified T-cell therapy Courtney B. Rubin, MD, Rosalie Elenitsas, MD, Laura Taylor, MD, Simon F. Lacey, PhD, Irina Kulikovskaya, MSc, MB(ASCP)CM, Minnal Gupta, MSc, Jan J. Melenhorst, PhD, Alison Loren, MD, MS, Noelle Frey, MD, MSCE, Carl H. June, MD, David Porter, MD, Misha Rosenbach, MD Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Volume 75, Issue 5, Pages 1054-1057 (November 2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2016.06.062 Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Terms and Conditions
Fig 1 A, Scaly thin plaque and small pink papules with edematous pseudovesicular appearance. B, Nonspecific pattern of perivascular and intense perifollicular lymphocytic infiltrate in the dermis. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Inset: High-power view of the infiltrate.) C, Right radial wrist nodule. D, Diffuse interstitial mononuclear cell infiltrate in the dermis consistent with Merkel cell carcinoma (CK20 positive, not shown). Hematoxylin and eosin stain. E, Pink patch with purple hue on right deltoid. F, Superficial and deep perivascular and periadnexal infiltrate with granulomatous features. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Inset: High-power view of the infiltrate.) G, Diffuse 1 cm pink nodules on the abdomen and thighs. H, Subcutaneous aggregate of cocci in chains and small clusters with surrounding skin necrosis. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain.) I, Diffuse morbilliform eruption containing blanching macules and papules. J, Lymphocytic dermal inflammatory cell infiltrate. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain.) K, Diffusely scattered blanching edematous papules and plaques. L, Subtle lymphocytes with no evidence of infection, graft-versus-host disease or leukemic infiltration. (B, Original magnification ×40, ×400. D, Original magnification ×400. F, Original magnification ×100, ×400. H, Original magnification ×100. J, Original magnification ×100. L, Original magnification ×100.) Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2016 75, 1054-1057DOI: (10.1016/j.jaad.2016.06.062) Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Terms and Conditions