ITP WOrkshop BrICC SUMMER 2019
Background information See BrICC Documentation Checklist and “What Works What Doesn’t” on InfoCDS You may refer to prior ITPs for background info on your client; however, make sure to edit: Take out information that is no longer important/does not need to be repeated each term Add new relevant information
Background information The last paragraph of the Background Information section should tell the story of: How were goals for the current term selected for this client? How was the treatment approach selected? What makes this treatment approach appropriate for this client compared to other possible approaches? How will the goal progress be measured, and why was this method of measuring progress selected as appropriate for these goals and this client?
No “Current Assessment RESULTS” section Do not include a separate section for CURRENT ASSESSMENT RESULTS. 1) No formal assessment this term no assessment results in ITP 2) A formal assessment at the beginning of this term for treatment planning purposes last paragraph of Background Information section Why was it given? What were the findings? How were they relevant to treatment planning? 3) A formal assessment at the end of the term to measure progress Summarize briefly in the status section of the goal pertaining to that domain. Any detailed score report you decide to include in the ITP goes in an Appendix at the end of the ITP
Long term goal (LTG) Should be measurable (can be measured using a GAS) Should be measured by impact data – how treatment is impacting everyday functioning in activities of daily living Should include a baseline measurement Example: BESU will increase her ability to independently navigate while driving by utilizing an external aid of a GPS smartphone application as measured by weekly GPS tracking log. Please see Appendix for Goal Attainment Scale (GAS). Note: the full GAS goes at the end of the ITP in an Appendix.
Short term objective (STO) Usually measured by objective session data It is expected that achieving the STOs will help lead to improvement in the LTGs outside of the session in everyday contexts Each one needs a baseline The baseline should be written using the exact same criteria as the goal language—nothing about how the task is set up or measured should be different.
Comments and impressions ***FOR THE FINAL ITP ONLY*** Enough information to allow the reader to determine: Did they make progress? Did the selected treatment approach turn out to be a good fit for this client? Why/why not? If not, how should the approach be changed or modified next term? Does it “connect the dots”? Does it make sense and tell a logical story of your work with the client this term?
***FOR THE FINAL ITP ONLY*** recommendations ***FOR THE FINAL ITP ONLY*** A numbered list Should follow logically from what you discussed in the preceding sections Like the “Plan” section of a SOAP – what to do NEXT TERM At the end of the term, communicate with the next clinician about how to implement your recommendations!
DISCUSSION 1.) What did you learn last term about writing ITPs that applies or doesn’t apply to BrICC ITPs? Discuss 2.) If you are struggling with an aspect of ITP writing, which resources do you think will be most helpful for you?
Post-concussion Syndrome - CHMA LTG 1. CHMA will increase her percentage of homework assignments completed throughout the week as measured by self-report. Approach: Metacognitive strategy instruction and external aid training Measurement: Goal Attainment Scaling (see Appendix A) Baseline: CHMA reported on 4/11/2019 that she currently completes 40% of homework assignments during an average week. Status: Achieved. On 6/6/2019, CHMA reported that she estimates that she currently completes 60% of homework assignments during an average week.
Post-concussion Syndrome - CHMA LTG 1. STO 1.1. CHMA will identify and reflect upon the use of three strategies that are useful in aiding her completion of homework assignments. Baseline: CHMA reported that listening to music aids in her homework completion. Measurement: CHMA’s strategy use frequency on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=Never use, 5=Very frequently use) and rating of strategy usefulness on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=Not at all helpful, 5=Extremely helpful) Status: Achieved. As of 6/6/19, CHMA reported that a consistent sleep routine, completing assignments at home, and listening to music aided in her completion of homework assignments. Based on her report, she rated these strategies as moderately helpful (3).
Post-concussion Syndrome - KIHU LTG 1. KIHU will demonstrate the ability to utilize an external calendar (Google Calendar app) in order to raise his academic grades to a passing level by the end of Spring 2019 term as measured by reported GPA. Approach: External Aids Baseline: On 4/10/2019, KIHU reported that he was unfamiliar with the Google Calendar app and had used paper planners to organize assignments in the past, but that it had not worked for him. Status: Partially met. On 6/05/2019, KIHU reported that he had a) improved 2/6 course grades from not passing to passing; b) maintained 5/6 course grades as passing, c) had 1 course grade below passing.
Post-concussion Syndrome - KIHU STO 1.1. KIHU will demonstrate fluency and accuracy for the ability to complete the steps necessary to input assignment/test deadlines into his Google Calendar app with 100% accuracy. Baseline: On 4/10/2019, KIHU reported that he was unfamiliar with the Google Calendar app and had used paper planners to organize assignments in the past, but that it had not worked for him. Status: Met. On 4/17/2019, KIHU demonstrated fluency and accuracy for the ability to complete the steps necessary to input assignments/test deadlines into his Google Calendar app with 100% accuracy as demonstrated by inputting all assignments outlined on the school’s Schoolology app for the week into the Google Calendar app.
TBI - PAEV Long-Term Goal: PAEV will independently reduce the number of communication breakdowns to 10% by utilizing learned strategies, including: pausing, identifying pertinent content, determining essential versus non-essential information, organization of content, connecting thoughts/ideas and clarifying information prior to and when engaging in conversational reciprocity with a familiar conversational partner. Baseline: On 5/2/19, PAEV demonstrated conversational breakdowns throughout approximately 50% of an observed conversation with her mother, requiring frequent clarifications (e.g., repetition of content, asking clarifying questions) in order to convey content effectively. Status: In Progress. On 5/30/19, conversational repairs were documented across 29% of a structured conversation between PAEV and her mother. However, PAEV is demonstrating increased independence in strategy implementation, requiring less frequent cueing from a communication partner.
TBI - PAEV Short-Term Objective: PAEV will independently recall a minimum of three learned self-coaching strategies, such as: pausing, identifying pertinent content, determining essential versus non-essential information, organization of content, connecting thoughts/ideas and clarifying information across two clinical sessions prior to engaging in conversational tasks with a familiar communication partner. Baseline: PAEV does not independently recall any previously learned strategies from prior clinical terms. Status: Achieved. On 5/30/19, PAEV was able to independently recall five strategies prior to engaging in a structured conversation with a familiar communication partner. PAEV was able to recall four strategies during her previous clinical session.
Social Communication - PEMA LTG 1. PEMA will independently decrease the average amount of time speaking per conversational turn in a reflective goal based conversation with a frequent conversation partner via telephone in the clinic setting to 20 seconds as measured by the clinician. Approach: Metacognitive Strategy Instruction, Interpersonal Recall Training Baseline: On 4/8/19 PEMA took an average of 58.87 seconds to take a turn in a reflective goal-based conversation with his daughter via telephone in the clinic setting. Status: Achieved. On 5/20/19 PEMA took an average of 13.5 seconds to take a turn in a reflective goal-based conversation with his daughter with his daughter via telephone in the clinic setting.
SOCIAL COMMUNICATION - PEMA PEMA will rate his confidence in regulating verbosity during interactions with frequent communication partners as “0” (with “0” being “no problem” and “4” being “major problem”) on the CoRS-ABI Conversation Practice Form as measured by the client in the clinic setting. Baseline: On 4/8/19 PEMA rated his verbosity as “4” (“major problem”) Status: Achieved. On 5/6/19 PEMA rated his emotional regulation as “0” (“no problem”).