Introduction to the Power of Reading website
The Power of Reading website This website accompanies CLPE’s highly successful Power of Reading project. It provides access to the extensive bank of over 200 Power of Reading and Core Books teaching sequences and materials.
Introducing the Power of Reading Website…
The website offers •An excellent user experience with easily accessible resources •Teaching sequences and resources for over 200 high quality texts •Power of Reading teaching sequences for current books 18-19 include: Links to the 2014 National Curriculum Context embedded opportunities to explore phonics, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Cross curricular links Writing outcomes
The website includes CLPE Core books and teaching sequences The website includes CLPE Core books and teaching sequences. We add more sequences throughout each year
Texts include picture books, novels, graphic novels, poetry and non-fiction There are over 200 recommended texts for all year groups from Foundation stage through to Year 7 from more than 150 significant authors and illustrators. They are easily sorted by year group.
The books all have teaching sequences which give comprehensive plans and ideas to support English teaching. They enable teachers to put the text at the heart of the curriculum.
For each book there are also resource ideas, examples of great practice from Power of Reading schools and links to support teaching
Revised teaching sequences help teachers to plan by showing how studying the book will help them to deliver all aspects of a rich literacy curriculum.........
......links to other areas of the curriculum, other texts and resources:
…Detailed ideas for individual sessions or lessons…
Opportunities to embed phonics and spelling in context
Opportunities to embed vocabulary, grammar and punctuation in context
The ‘Teaching Approaches’ section gives practical information about the approaches which we know are effective in promoting reading for pleasure and meaning in the classroom…
…there are also downloadable resources and examples of classroom practice to support you
Experience the Power of Reading Purchase a whole school subscription to the website An annual subscription is just £300, this works out at less than £2 a teaching sequence for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Attend the Power of Reading training programme Designed to support schools in raising engagement and attainment in reading and writing for all pupils, website subscription is included and discounted places are available for schools sending more than one teacher.