Subcommittee on Minnesota Water Policy August 20, 2019 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Senator Bill Weber * Representative Peter Fischer Jim Stark, Director
Introductions Representative jeff brand dfl district 19A st. peter Senator rich draheim gop district 20 Madison lake Senator chris eaton dfl district 40 Brooklyn center Senator kent eken dfl district 4 twin valley Representative peter fischer dfl district 43a Maplewood Senator Michael Goggin gop district 21 red wing Representative josh Heintzeman gop district 10a Nisswa Representative todd Lippert dfl district 20B northfield Representative john poston gop district 9a lake shore Representative paul Torkelson gop district 16b hanska Senator bill weber gop district 22 luverne Senator chuck wiger dfl district 43 Maplewood
Agenda Approval of Minutes – July 17, 2019 McKnight Foundation – Mississippi River – Stephanie Devitt Minnesota River Update – Katrina Kessler, Assistant Commissioner, MPCA The Importance of Long-Term Sediment Data: Jeff Ziegweid, USGS Session Summary Water Legislation: 2019 Discussion: Subcommittee and Legislative Priorities Summer Field Tour with CWC: Paul Gardner, MPCA Adjourn
Presentations: Minnesota River TMDL Report: Total suspended Solids – Katrina Kessler, Assistant Commissioner The importance of long-term data sediment record at Mankato – Jeff Ziegweid, USGS Field Tour with the Clean Water Council*September – Paul Gardner, MPCA
Proposed Legislative Water Policy Issues for 2020 Stakeholder meeting goal: Prioritize issues and receive comments Seven issue categories for consideration Several draft issues within each category Explanatory paper for each issue
Proposed Legislative Water Policy: Issue Categories Regulation and Permitting Resources/Funding Planning Effective Best Management Practices Policy and Management Infrastructure Governance
Proposed Legislative Water Policy Issues for 2020 Stakeholder Meeting Process 1st Hour: Divide into groups (Categories 1-3) Review issues within each issue category Select a spokesperson and a recorder Add missing issues. Issues should relate to a need for legislation or a topic that can inform discussion on an introduced bill Rank the issues and prioritize issue comments, as time allows 2nd Hour: Repeat process for categories 4 – 7 Last half hour: Report out by groups and ask for input on issues that may have been missing
Closing thoughts Thanks!