Healing to Wellness Court Togiak Tribal Healing to Wellness Court
VISION STATEMENT The Togiak community will have healthy and fully functioning families and youth who are free OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE and who are culturally knowledgeable and successful in life.
Mission Statement The mission of the Togiak Healing to Wellness Court is to reduce youth committing status offenses and delinquent/criminal acts; through therapeutic and cultural interventions; and intensive judicial supervision; in order to improve youth and family functioning and community safety.
Togiak Juvenile Healing to wellness strengths Strategic plan: Worked with rural cap, they provided trainers, we set it up in Togiak. Attend trainings: education and training! Educate your people! 2017 Togiak partnered with rural cap and uaf and provided training to court and council; bbedc has funded individual and group trainings for tribal court Utilize local elders to integrate local culture: wellness, circle of life teachings, culture camps and day trips. Partner with other youth programs in the community Partnerships! Togiak school; utilize regional village employees Develop Supporting manuals and guides: Tjhw code; tjhw Circle procedures; wellness circle of life curriculum, brochures New funding? Write your program components into other funding sources (ie: Suicide prevention, place names project, old Togiak, etc,.)
Togiak Tribal Healing to wellness court will work with the youth offender and their family to ensure that they receive services for improved family functioning and community safety. The court will utilize various community resources to support the youth and family in the program. Together, with the families and community partners, these youth can become healthy community members.