Navigation and the Water Framework Directive Seminar, Brussels, 31st January 2007 Well-attended conference: over 130 participants Morning conference-style; lively discussion Afternoon: three parallel workshop sessions Sediment management and river basin planning Delivering WFD-compliant hydromorphological change Relationship between WFD and EU Maritime Policy WFD Navigation Task Group met 28th February Decisions on follow up actions
Sediment management & river basin planning Key conclusions Sediment is an essential natural component of coastal, estuarine and freshwater systems Sediment management needs to be integrated into river basin management planning Important to incorporate knowledge and expertise from existing international and regional conventions into the WFD Way forward Circulate report from recent SedNet workshop Prepare proposal for future sediment management activity also taking into account daughter Directive
WFD-compliant hydromorphological change Key conclusions Much relevant good practice already available Recognise/accommodate uncertainties Differentiate between ‘current’ and ‘legacy’ modifications Aim to identify ‘win-win’ or ‘no regrets’ solutions Need to ‘WFD-proof’ proposed new modifications Ensure consistency of approach Way forward Continue to identify/exchange good practice Proposed workshop on HMWB designation process
WFD relationship with EU maritime policy Key conclusions Significant marine areas included within WFD area
For those people in the audience that are not familiar with PIANC, I will start with a short overview of who we are and what we do. The core business of PIANC is and stays the publication of high quality technical reports that provide guidance worldwide about new developments in navigation related subjects. These reports are drafted by international working groups of experts that on a non paid basis contribute to this work. Japan manages to be represented in many of these working groups for which we are grateful.
WFD relationship with EU maritime policy Key conclusions Significant marine areas included within WFD area Recognise dynamic nature of marine environment Realistic indicators; cost-effective monitoring Issues of jurisdiction; competence; role of international conventions Way forward Raise issues with DG fisheries and maritime affairs Clarity about role of WFD in maritime policy; build flexibility into Marine Strategy Directive Strive to achieve practical and consistent, truly integrated approach to management of marine areas