DAE Model D = describe the event. A = analyse the event/object/photo several ways. E = evaluate your results.
Describe the event. The following questions are useful for this step: What happened? What was said? What did you see?
Analyse the event, which involves asking the following questions: Why is it happening? What alternative explanations might be possible? This might mean that……
Evaluate, as the final step, requires paying attention to your initial reaction. What positive or negative feelings do I have about this? (my gut reaction) How do I feel about this object, person, or event?
Case Study A female Turkish teacher ed a male French student to set up Turkish classes. The teacher ed the student in French. The student responded in English in one-line, with no greetings. The teacher thought this was rude and did not want to meet the student.
TURKEY : Core Concepts Generosity Hospitality Community Networks Nationalism Honour Kemalism Loyalty