Primes, Factors & Multiples – Guess! In this game, students compete in groups of 3+. Taking it in turns, students read out the clues on a card and the first student in the group to answer correctly gets a point. If students guess incorrectly they should be out of that round. Delete unwanted cards. The cards are arranged to make it easy to guillotine sets for each group.
Printing To print handouts from slides - Select the slide from the left. Then click: File > Print > ‘Print Current Slide’ To print multiple slides - Click on a section title to highlight all those slides, or press ‘Ctrl’ at the same time as selecting slides to highlight more than one. Then click: File > Print > ‘Print Selection’ To print double-sided handouts - Highlight both slides before using ‘Print Selection’. Choose ‘Print on Both Sides’ and ‘Flip on Short Edge’.
Guess! Primes, Factors & Multiples ?
is a multiple of 7 is odd 5 is a factor is less than 40 35
is a multiple of 9 is even is a square number is less than 45 36
16 is a multiple of 4. is a square number is a multiple of 8 is less than 20 16
is a multiple of 9. has only 3 factors is odd is less than 30 27
has only 2 factors is greater than 20 is less than 27 23
is a square number is less than 50 7 is a factor 49
is a multiple of 8 is a square number is less than 100 64
is a prime number is less than 40 is a factor of 39 13
is a prime number is greater than 45 is less than 50 47
24 is a multiple of 6 is a multiple of 4 is a multiple of 3 is less than 40 24
4 is a factor of 12 is a factor of 16 is a square number is greater than 1 4
is a multiple of 9 is a factor of 36 is a square number 9
30 is a multiple of 6 is a factor of 60 is greater than 25 is smaller than 50 30
is a prime number is greater than 100 the digits add to 2 101
is greater than 20 is less than 22 21
100 is a multiple of 5 is a multiple of 10 is a square number is less than 200 100
is a factor of 15 is a multiple of 5 15
25 has only 3 factors is greater than 20 is a multiple of 5 is less than 30 25
has only 3 factors is greater than 40 is a multiple of 7 49
is odd is greater than 20 is a factor of 42 is a multiple of 7 21
is a prime number is less than 3 2
is a square number is greater than 50 is less than 80 64
is a factor of 29 is not 29 1
is an odd number is a prime number is a factor of 24 3
is a factor of 45 is odd is a multiple of 5 is less than 30 15
is a factor of 60 is even is a multiple of 6 is less than 30 12
is a cube number is a multiple of 9 is less than 50 27
is even is a factor of 16 is a cube number is greater than 1 8
is odd is greater than 100 is a cube number is a factor of 250 125
is a cube number is a square number is less than 100 64 Questions? Comments? Suggestions? …or have you found a mistake!? Any feedback would be appreciated . Please feel free to email: