Bone Practice Exam #2
Name the following structures indicated by the arrows. Click to the next slide to see the answer. *For best results on these practice exams, write your answers on paper before clicking to see the correct answer. Try to answer within a minute (remember your lab exams will be timed) and make sure to check your spelling! *note: not every structure you are required to know will be on this practice exercise so make sure you review the checklist of structures (p. 74-75 in your lab manual) when preparing for your lab exam
*click to the next slide to check your answer
Lambdoid suture
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Supraorbital margin of frontal bone
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Superior articular facet of C2
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*click to the next slide to check your answer
Glenoid fossa (cavity) of the scapula
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Zygomatic bone
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Palatine bone
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Head of femur
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Foramen magnum of occipital bone
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Styloid process of ulna
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Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
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Optic foramen of the sphenoid
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Infraspinous fossa of the scapula
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Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
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Mastoid process of temporal bone
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Frontal bone
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Occipital bone
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Transverse foramen of C1
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Transverse costal facet of thoracic
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Mandibular condyle
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Pedicle of lumbar vertebra
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Median sacral crest
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Sternal end of clavicle
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Acromion (acromial process) of the scapula
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Head of humerus
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Ulna notch of radius
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Trochlear notch of ulna
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*click to the next slide to check your answer
*click to the next slide to check your answer
Base of metatarsal I
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Iliac fossa
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Greater sciatic notch of ilium
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Lesser trochanter of femur
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Medial malleolus of tibia
Head of fibula
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Tubercle of rib
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Vertebral body of typical cervical vertebra
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Manubrium of sternum
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*click to the next slide to check your answer
Middle phalanx of digit IV (Rt. upper extremity)
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Olecranon fossa of humerus
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Posterior superior iliac spine