Academic-Writing to Business-Writing Dianne Garrett Business Communication, MGT309 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Hi, I’m Dianne Garrett, your MGT309, Business Communication professor. This presentation is on ‘Academic Writing to Business Writing.’ The two styles are very different and your business writing success is dependent on your understanding the differences. You have spent your entire academic career writing in academic style, and I am here to teach you a new style. For most students, they find this new writing style a challenge in changing their thinking. Good news is I do see considerable student success, in learning this new style, in those that push forward through their brain’s natural resistance to change. If you feel this negative resistance, contact me so I can help not let it interfere with your learning. I want your success. So, let’s talk about the differences. Writing that Works (2010). Oliu, Brusaw, & Alred
Academic-Writing to Business-Writing Academic Organization Business Organization Research to expand knowledge Research to create new knowledge Indirect approach To cause action To Direct approach Abstract Introduction/Background Analysis/Critical Conclusion/Recommendations Recommendation/Actions Evidence/Support/Further Analysis/Details Take a look at this chart. It demonstrates the basic differences in the two styles. Basically, academic focus is for exploration of new ideas and business is about action. Notice that Academic ends with the conclusion/recommendations and that’s where business starts.
Business Writing Differs Purpose Academic writing is to demonstrate learning. Business writing is to meet an organizational need. Purpose The purpose of academic writing is for the professor to access your learning. The professor knows the material; this is not new information to him/her. In business writing, you are the one that knows, not the reader. You are writing to meet an organizational need, perhaps it’s to all a meeting, maybe launch a product or project.
Business Writing Differs Audience Academic writing is for the instructor, who already knows the information. Business writing is for internal & external constituencies, who most often, do not know the information you need to share. Audience In academic writing, you are writing to one person with a singular assessment goal. In business, you have many different audiences: internal and external. You may communicate to peers & colleagues, bosses and executives, customers or clients, vendors and prospective business partners.
Business Writing Differs Organization Academic writing is essay format Business writing is organized to the reader’s needs. Organization Most academic writing is in essay formal report form. I expect you have produced many reports/research papers over your years of academic study. You learned that the normal academic paragraphing format is generally 5 to 6 sentences. In business writing, you organize your information to meet the reader’s needs. Some information is presented direct; some information is presented indirect. The key is to present the information in the way that best connects/relates to your reader. We like to use a varying number of sentences in the paragraphs to keep the reader’s interest. And, surprising is, a one sentence paragraph is absolutely fine.
Business Writing Differs Style Academic writing is most often formal. Business writing is conversational. Style Academic writing is most often formal. You, the writer, work to use the new vocabulary that your instructor has introduced you to. Business writing language is conversational – not formal with ‘big’ words nor casual with slang and jargon. Go for the middle comfortable area.