Welcome to Kindergarten Mrs. Fernandez 2019-2020
Meet Me
Areas to be Discussed Academics Behavior General
Daily Schedule P 8:30 - 10:00 Reading 10:00 -10:30 Recess 10:30 - 11:00 Calendar Math 11:00 -11:30 Lunch 11:30 - 12:30 Math 12:30 - 1:05 Specials 1:05- 1:20 Snack 1:20- 2:30 Science/S.S. 2:30- 2:45 Dismissal P
Specials Monday: *Art Mrs. Roche Tuesday: *STEM Mr. Lee Wednesday: *P.E. Mrs. Capiro Thursday: *Spanish Friday: *Music Mrs. Khalfina
Curriculum The kindergarten curriculum consists of Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Our curriculum follows the Florida Standards providing your child with a well-rounded and complete education.
Math Go Math! Series Three Big Ideas: Number and Operations Geometry and Positions Measurement and Data
I- Ready 3 Diagnostic Tests Math & Reading Homework3 Have your child complete w/o assistance. d
Homework For the first three weeks you will focus on shoe tying and helping your child learn their birthday, phone number and address. Your child’s blue folder is their homework folder. Your child’s blue folder must come to school on a daily basis. Beginning week three we will begin our homework routine for the remainder of the year. Math: One nightly page reviewing the day’s taught concept. Reading/Language Arts: Students will review and study monthly sight words. LEAP/After Care Programs: If your child completes their homework at an afterschool care program, they may need assistance from a parent on some assignments.
Daily Snack Please send a healthy snack with your child every day in their book bag. Snack should be in a Ziploc bag on the outside pocket and water is the only drink allowed.
Classroom Rules 1. Listen closely and follow directions the first time. 2. Raise a quiet hand. 3. Use inside voices. 4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 5. Be kind to others.
Rewards Verbal praise and recognition Compliment Party Stamps and treasure box
Blue Study Folder/Planners Check every night for notes/letters and homework Initial each day in the planner Return to school the next day Ask your child every night about what we did today.
General Items
Communication Parent involvement and constant communication between us is essential for your child’s success. The best way to communicate with us is through email or via behavior chart. Our email address: sfernandez@somersetacademy.com
Somerset Webpage All important information regarding our class is always on the Somerset Academy webpage. Please go to somersetacademy.com, then click on staff directory, and finally click on Ms. Sarah Fernandez Feel free to check this site every Friday after 5:00 p.m. for updated information regarding our weekly curriculum and assignments.
Lunch Monthly menus are available on our website, www.somersetacademy.com Online lunch payments are available online! LUNCH APPLICATIONS: Your child may be eligible for free or reduced priced breakfast or lunch. Applications are available in your beginning of the year packets. Please fill out the application in its entirety and return it to your child’s teacher. You will then receive a notice if you qualified for the program. You are responsible for paying full price for meals until you receive notification stating otherwise. Please reach out to Francia Gonzalez if you have any questions. NEW PRICES: $2.50 Breakfast and $3.50 Lunch We are a PEANUT/NUT Free Campus.
Birthdays Birthday celebrations will only take place on the Friday of their birthday week at 1:50. Please notify me ahead of time so that we may plan accordingly. Cupcakes or donuts Napkins Mini water bottles
Planners Planners are required by the school and are $8. (purchase online) The planner will be used as a writing tool daily to strengthen motor skills
Friday Folders Friday folders are the Somerset folders. They go home on Fridays and come back on Mondays. Please empty the folder unless there is something that needs to be signed and returned to us.
Money Procedures Please make sure that all money is in an envelope with your child’s name and what the money is for. Always place $ inside the pouch in the blue h.w. folder. We highly encourage that all parents make online payments for everything possible.
Volunteer Hours Parents need to volunteer 30 hours in the school year. 10 additional per sibling (max 50) Please see our wish list on the board. Once you have filled out the volunteer form we will be happy to sign it.
Volunteers Field Trips Work From Home Schoolwide Events
Uniform Policy Uniforms are mandatory. All students are required to wear: uniform polo shirts with the Somerset Academy logo in colors which include navy blue, light blue, white and striped blue/white. khaki or dark blue pants with the Somerset Academy embroidery labeled by the pocket. ONLY solid navy or a Somerset Academy apparel jackets. Physical Education uniform (K-5th) Fridays are SPIRIT and JEANS DAYS! Students are to wear their grade level spirit shirt and JEANS (not distressed, or ripped). DRESS DOWN DAYS are the last Friday of every month for $2! Keep in mind students still must adhere to the dress code: Students may not come to school in any of the following: Leggings Open toed shoes of any sort Backless shoes and or “crocs” Distressed jeans (jeans day) Shorts of any length less than fingertip level Tank tops/spaghetti straps/sleeveless tops
Education Infographic Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) Please take a moment to join our PTSO! Sign-up for $5 and receive 5 hours! How we raised money Welcome Back Bash Fun Run Box Tops SA PTSO Book Fair Membership Holiday Store Somerset Academy PTSO at work! Library Books Lap top Computers Science Program 5th Grade Dance Celebration Teacher Appreciation Club & Sports Team Donations How we’ve spent money Welcome Back Bash Fun Run Book Fair at South Holiday Store Book Fair at North Teacher Appreciation 5th Grade Dance PTSO Events Thank you for supporting our students, staff & school! Somerset Academy PTSO PTSO@SomersetAcademy.com Somerset Academy PTSO is a 501c3 nonprofit organization 100% of the money we raise is invested right back into our school!
New Spirit Store!!! Somerset now has an online Spirit Store with brand new Panther Gear for our students! Please stop by the cafeteria today to log into the store, try on some items and simply learn more! www.somersetspiritstore.com
Attendance Be here everyday! Doors open at 8:15. Students are marked tardy if they arrive after 8:35. If a student is absent the parent/guardian has 48 hours to excuse it through the online attendance form. After 48 hours you must have a doctor’s note.
Arrival/Dismissal Map Pines Blvd Please remember: ~The gas station is not an authorized loading/unloading zone as it is private property. ~As ‘good neighbors’ we want to respect their business and customers. Morning Shuttle Times (South to North) 7:15am M/H and 7:45am Elem 196th
Arrival/Dismissal Students are to arrive on campus no earlier that 8:15am unless enrolled in morning care, sibling care, shuttle service or having breakfast. Please pack a poncho for those rainy days. Always have your hanging car tag clearly displayed to help with arrival and dismissal. Early sign-outs must be before 1:30pm. “HANDS FREE SCHOOL ZONE!” Safety is our #1 priority. Vehicle cell phone use is not permitted within the school and can result in a ticket.
Shuttle North to South South to North Grades K-3rd Students must arrive to North Campus no later than 7:30am in front Building A Shuttle departs at 7:35am promptly. Late arrivals must be taken to campus by their parents. Sign-up online at www.somersetacademy.com South to North Grades 4th – 5th Students must arrive to South Campus no later than 7:40am Shuttle departs at 7:45am promptly. Late arrivals must be taken to campus by their parents.
Dismissal Carpool pickup is from 2:30-3:00 p.m. Students who are not picked up by 3:05 will be signed into the office and there will be a charge of $25 added to your volunteer hours. Early Release Days – dismissal is at 12:30 p.m. If you pick-up from the car lane: Please hang red colored decal from your rearview mirror and make sure to include your child’s name using a dark permanent marker. If there is a change in the way that your child is getting home the best way to notify me is by sending a note or calling before 1:30 p.m.
Conferences Given by appointment In person or by phone Twice a year (fall and spring) or if there is a concern
Fieldtrips Three fieldtrips throughout the year Only registered volunteers will be allowed to attend. Online payments only
Independence Day! Friday August 16th Have your child wear red, white and blue! This will be the first day they will walk independently to their class.
Ways to Stay In Touch Send in a note in the planner School’s website www.somersetacademy.com Contact me at sfernandez@somersetacademy.com Somerset Academy Elementary 954-404-7616
We’re going to have a great year! Thank You For Coming! We’re going to have a great year!