CWG Membership July 30-31, 2012 – Climate Working Group Meeting
CWG Membership Comments on selection of new members Desire a diversity committee (in all respects). Balance between the short-term climate (weather-climate) and the scientists involved in longer-term climate issues (decadal to centennial). Fresh perspective through cross-discipline expertise. Expertise linking the physical aspects of climate science to the biological/ecosystem issues that much of NOAA focuses on for resource management. Experience with external communications. Expertise with satellite and in situ observing management. July 30-31, 2012 – Climate Working Group Meeting
CWG Terms of Reference New member selection process Guidelines provided in SAB Working Group Concept of Operations. Eight members are eligible for a 2nd term. 18 members total. At least 10 new members. Must be at least one SAB member on CWG. Document rationale for expertise needed. Draft a panel of nominees (including Chair) for recommendation to SAB. List should include one primary and one alternate. Provide nominees to SAB at least 60 days prior to the SAB meeting or teleconference (target January SAB teleconference). Formal announcement of nominees and request for additional nominees. Approval of nominees. We will be working this process with you in the near future. July 30-31, 2012 – Climate Working Group Meeting
CWG Terms of Reference Review and revise the CWG Terms of Reference (ToR) Terms of Reference were written in 2007 Comments received on current ToR Are the ToR too broad and do they ask too much from the CWG? The intent of some of the statements is not clear. Formally define what is meant by serving in an "advisory" capacity. Explore the concept of CWG subgroups to address subject-specific climate areas such as extremes and ecosystems. CWG should be about policy and science questions that we have, not the operational implementation of what we are executing. Address potential conflict of interests. Should CWG members sign conflict of interest and non-disclosure forms? Do the ToR need to better emphasize the need to grow the relationship with NOAA Leadership? July 30-31, 2012 – Climate Working Group Meeting