Use of Essential Oils in Healthcare. Focusing on Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
I am not a medical professional! Legal disclaimer I have learned from many experts about the use of essential oils and have done research, used research, personal experiences and testimonials to put together this presentation. I don’t want to give advice that differs from the advice of a medical professional. Please consult with a medical professional for any serious health conditions that arises during pregnancy. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
What are essential oils? Natural aromatic compounds found in plants Steam-distilled or cold-pressed extraction Powerful, safe benefits without side effects when distilled for purity, potency and efficacy Used historically for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health-care practices.
How to use essential oils Aromatically When diffused or inhaled, essential oils can be very stimulating, calming, or soothing; diffusing essential oils can also cleanse and purify the air Topically Essential oils can be safely applied for massage or topical benefits Internally Certain essential oils have a rich culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements for targeted wellness
Fertility Toxic world = fertility issues Eliminate toxins Chemicals in: Beauty products Food Air Home and Work environments Eliminate toxins Opt for natural care products Laundry detergent, deodorants, shampoo, etc Cleanse the body internally Natural supplements Probiotics Water Hormonal Support Grapefruit Essential Oil Thyme Oregano Fertility Blend 10 ml roller ball with 10 drops clary sage 10 drops fennel 10 drops geranium 5 drops of lavender Topped with Fractionated Coconut oil Take Grapefruit drops under the tongue or in a capsule every morning to help balance progesterone. (When our bodies are under stress cortisol inhibits our production of progesterone; grapefruit prevents cortiaol from blocking progesterone production.) Daily maximum intake is 24 drops in 24 hours. Start with less and adjust, based upon sensitivity.
Safety During Pregnancy Almost all oils and supplements can be used safely during pregnancy. Generally the essential oils will need to be diluted more due to sensitivity. Use of fractionated coconut oil, or unscented lotions help carry the oil. Oils for: Breast tenderness Fatigue UTI’s Sleep Constipation Headaches Backache Depression Heartburn Stretchmarks Edema/swelling Muscle cramps Skin problems Morning Sickness – one drop of cardamom behind the ears and down the neck What to avoid: Clary Sage Jasmine Depression – Diffuse Geranuim, lavender, sandalwood, ylang ylang to promote peace and calm Headaches – apply peppermint and frankincense to forehead, temples and at base of brain stem and massage in Clary Sage and Jasmine: Clary Sage is beneficial in strengthening and promoting uterine contractions Although these oils will not stimulate labor if not ready, its recommended to stay away from them or use very cautiously up until 37 weeks. Jasmine can be amazing calming and stimulating oil, but not used until full term.
Oils for Labor and Delivery DIFFUSE OILS IN THE DELIVERY ROOM IF POSSIBLE! (Policy) Black Pepper and Peppermint – soothes pain from back labor, dilute and rub on back Clary Sage – support contractions Cooling spray – 25 drops orange and 25 drops of peppermint in a 4 oz spray with water Perineal Support – Helichrysum or Geranium Jasmine – dilute and massage during labor for physiological measures of relaxation Rose and Neroli stimulate feelings of happiness and contentment Geranium Basil Black Pepper Clary Sage Myrrh Lavender Peppermint Orange Helichrysum Frankincense Heli: Pulls together dilated tissue, circulation stimulating, tonic for uterus and endometrium, natural antidepressant, for bruising, swelling, bleeding and tissue regeneration Clary: when applied to reflex point on ankles, hips and abdomen Cooling spray – appy during transition 0r anytime feeling overheated Perineal support – 10 drops of either with 1 tablespoon of FCO. Massage into perineum at crowning. Minimizes swelling, helps the tissue stretch to avoid tearing
New Mama Rollerball Support Ideas Boost Milk Supply 10 drops fennel 10 drops Marjoram 10 drops Basil Roll onto breast and massage in between feeding or pumping sessions Postpartum Blues 3 drops Bergamot 3 drops Grapefruit 3 drops Clary Sage 3 drops Orange 10 drops Frankincense Use on pulse points and bottoms of feet Hemorrhoids 4 drops Cypress 4 drops Helichrysum 2 drops Peppermint Apply directly to affected area and massage gently Relax and Sleep 5 drops Roman Chamomile 5 drops Vetiver 3 drops Frankincense 3 drops Bergamot Roll onto bottoms of feet and base of big toe, add to PM bathwater
Well Baby Care Fractionated Coconut Oil and Frankincense on their back every day to balance all important body systems Tummy Ache: apply diluted ginger or orange to stomach in a 1:1 ratio Diaper Rash: Mix sandalwood or myrrh in a carrier oil and lightly coat area Teething: mix 2 drops of clove or Siberian fir to 1 tbsp fractionated coconut oil and apply on the outside gum line Sleep – Calming blend (lavender) vetiver and frankincense on bottoms of feet Myrrh for umbilical cord (liquid band aid)
Grief support Apply clary sage to lower abdominal area to promote uterine contractions and assist in passing remaining tissue Apply soothing blend to abdomen for pain relief Blend Clary Sage, Geranium and Lavender to balance body/mind/spirit Emotional wellbeing am and pm Frankincense + Orange Sandalwood + Invigorate Blend Miscarriage Grief Blend 3 drops Joyful blend 4 drops bergamot 8 drops cypress 8 drops Frankincense Put in bottle and add 3 drops to diffuser of hand and inhale
Resources Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth, and Babies, Stephanie Fritz LM, CPM The Essential Life Dr. Andrew Gough and Ruth Gough doterra