Selected Minor Prophets My Servants The Prophets Major Lessons From Selected Minor Prophets
Outline Introduction and Chapter 1 - Judgment on Samaria and Jerusalem Chapter 2-3 - Woe to those who trouble God’s people with their wickedness Chapter 4-5 - Prophecy of God’s Kingdom and the Messiah Chapter 6-7 - God’s love and pardon for his people
Outline Introduction and Chapter 1 - Judgment on Samaria and Jerusalem Chapter 2-3 - Woe to those who trouble God’s people with their wickedness Chapter 4-5 - Prophecy of God’s Kingdom and the Messiah Chapter 6-7 - God’s love and pardon for his people Micah 7:18 “Who is a God like unto thee…” Micah 7:18-20, v20 –> promise to Abraham (Genesis 22:18, 28:14, Micah 5:2-4)
Review – Micah’s message (near term) ”The word of the Lord that came to Micah the Morasthite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.” A message of judgment to God’s people Micah 1:1, 5-6 “…I will make Samaria as an heap…” Micah 3:8-12 “…Zion for your sake be plowed…” Micah 4:10 “…thou shalt go even to Babylon…”
Review – Micah’s message (far term) A message of hope to God’s people – The Ruler of Israel will come Micah 7:20 “Thou wilt perform…which thou has sworn…” Micah 5:2 “…Bethlehem Ephratah…out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel…”
Predictive Prophecy 1 Peter 1:10-11 “Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace [that should come] unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 2 Peter 1:21 “…no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit”
Review – Chapter 4:1-8 Future of Zion I know of no NT passage that quotes Micah 4:1-4 or Isaiah 2:1-5, though verses such as 1 Tim 3:15 speak of the “house of God” and Romans 15:12 speaks of the Lord reigning over the Gentiles. Consider the description of this event in Micah 4 in light of what we know in the NT about the house of God and the nature of the citizens of God’s kingdom (e.g. John 18:36, Matthew 5:44, Romans 13:10).
Chapter 4:9-13 Bound for Babylon The tense of the words in the context indicate that Micah has moved away from the “last days” timeframe and is again speaking from their preset day vantage point. Though he may also speak of a spiritual conquering (13). 4:10 Predictive prophecy. “thou shalt go even to Babylon” (reference Isaiah 39) Isaiah, and it seems here that Micah, prophesy that the people would go to Babylon. The prophets spoke as they were moved by the Spirit of God (2 Peter 1:21)
Chapter 4:9-13 Bound for Babylon Note that In Isaiah and Micah’s day, Assyria was the dominant power. Yet the prophets foretold of a time that God’s people would go to Babylon (reference 2 Chronicles 36, the final wave of captives). Remember in 2 Kings 19-20 the Assyrian king Sennacherib came against King Hezekiah.
Chapter 4:9-13 Bound for Babylon Note that In Isaiah and Micah’s day, Assyria was the predominant power. Yet the prophets foretold of a time that God’s people would go to Babylon (reference 2 Chronicles 36, the final wave of captives). Remember in the prophecy of Nahum, the Lord spoke of judgment coming to Nineveh and asked if they were any better than Thebes (Nahum 3:8). Thebes was taken by the Assyrian King Assurbanipal, the grandson of Sennacherib. Remember the “Rassam cylinder” of Assurbanipal’s exploits.
Chapter 4:9-13 Bound for Babylon Note that In Isaiah and Micah’s day, Assyria was the predominant power. Yet the prophets foretold of a time that God’s people would go to Babylon (reference 2 Chronicles 36, the final wave of captives). Note from Jeremiah 46:2 that Egypt (and as I understand the Assyrians) fell at Carchemish. Remember in Jeremiah’s day, maybe a century later, the people spoke of Micah’s day (Jeremiah 26:12-19). By Jeremiah’s time, Judah was besieged by the Chaldeans.
Chapter 4:9-13 Bound for Babylon The tense of the words in the context indicate that Micah has moved away from the “last days” timeframe and is again speaking from their preset day vantage point. Though he may also speak of a spiritual conquering (10, 13 -> 5:3?). 4:10 Predictive prophecy. “thou shalt go even to Babylon” (reference Isaiah 39) Isaiah, and it seems here that Micah, prophesy that the people would go to Babylon. Prophets moved by the Spirit of God (2 Peter 1:21)
Chapter 5:1-6 Bethlehem Ephratah Luke 2:1-17 The events at Bethlehem It was understood that this prophecy foretold of the Messiah (Matthew 2:1-6)
Chapter 5:7-15 A remnant among the nations Chapter 4:1-8 describes the nature of those in the Lord’s house. 5:7-15 seems to continue the description of these people. A “remnant” would dwell among the nations. “In that day” (10) of the Messiah’s rule, the remnant would: Have no need for horses and chariots (5:10-11) Have no sorcerers, fortunetellers or idols (5:12-14, Zechariah 13:1-7) God would execute vengeance on the nations that do not obey (? 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 ?)
Chapter 6 Mock trial / dialog between God and His people Micah 6:1-5 God’s plea against the people Micah 6:6-7 Israel’s response to God Micah 6:8 The Lord’s answer Micah 6:9-16 The Lord’s judgment and sentence (6:16)
Chapter 7 Micah’s response Micah 7:1-4 Sorrow for the people’s sin Micah 7:5-17 Direction to trust the Lord Their day was evil, could not trust a friend (7:5-6) Application for even today (Matthew 10:34-39) Micah 7:18-20 Proclamation that God delights in mercy and will fulfill his promise to his people