Teaching Assistant: Mrs McGarvey


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching Assistant: Mrs McGarvey Welcome to Year 6! J7 Miss Davies J8 Mrs Casey Teaching Assistant: Mrs McGarvey

General Information The bell rings at 8.55am, so all children should be in class by 9 o’clock. If not, then they will receive a late mark. This can have a significant impact on their learning. Attendance is very important so children don’t miss out of get gaps in their learning. We continue to offer awards for good attendance: Smiggle draw is held for all pupils with 100% attendance each week, and the class with the highest attendance receives a certificate. We encourage all children to have a water bottle in school. Please buy one with a sports cap to avoid spillages. Appointments can be made to see your child’s class teacher straight after school (except Wednesday due to staff meetings.) This is a more convenient time for teachers rather than in the morning when the children are coming into school. Dinner money is collected on a Monday morning. It would be helpful if this was in an envelope labelled with your child’s name. We would encourage children to stay on either a packed lunch or school meal for half a term if possible. Thank you for maintaining the high standards in school uniform, all the children look very smart.

Medical If your child requires medication of any kind, a consent form must be completed in the School office. Inhalers need to be labelled and in-date and kept in class. If your child has an inhaler and you have not filled out a form in the office this term, please do so for our new records.

Curriculum Map Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Religious Education   Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Religious Education Loving Vocation and Commitment Expectations Sources Unity Death and New Life Witnesses Healing Common Good Science Classifying Organisms Light Evolution and Inheritance Changing Circuits Healthy Bodies History Crime and Punishment Local Study How Life in Britain has changed since 1948 Geography South America Our Local Area Exploring Scandinavia Computing Heroes and Villains  Young Authors Let’s Learn a Language Art Gustav Klimt  Street Art Express Yourself! Design Technology Programme Pioneers Bird House Great British Menu Music Singing, Playing and Composing  Jazz 2 Street Band Physical Education Gymnastics Hockey Netball Dance Athletics Tennis

P.E. Year 6 have Indoor PE lessons on Thursday afternoon. Outdoor PE lessons are on Friday afternoon. P.E. Kits must remain in school and be taken home every half term holiday to be washed. For the outdoor P.E. session, children can bring tracksuits and trainers, depending on the weather. Tracksuits and trainers should be taken home each week.

English/ Maths / Project Homework Homework will be given in the following subjects; English/ Maths / Project Monday to be given in for marking on the following Wednesday. Wednesday to be given in for marking on the following Friday. Friday to be given in for marking on the following Monday.

Reading Children will complete weekly guided reading sessions, either in groups or whole class. These sessions focus on skills such as: comprehension, questioning, key features of different texts and authors use of language. Every child will have a home reading book and a library book. Throughout the year, children will be encouraged to read across a range of genres as well as reading for enjoyment. They will be expected to read at least 20 pages per week or more if they wish, at least 3 times per week. This will be monitored by every Friday morning. The children can independently change their book when needed. It would be helpful if your child read some of their book aloud to an adult and answered questions about the book to ensure full understanding however there may be times when children want to read independently. Please sign and date your child’s reading card or school diary when they have read, three times per week. Letters will be sent home if it’s noted that home reading has slipped.

Spelling Children are given spelling lists each week, usually on Friday, for a test on the following Friday. Spelling lists focus on revising letter patterns with a set of words from the essential Year 5/6 word list added at the bottom. Children will write their score after the test at the bottom of the list and will asterisk any words they have spelt incorrectly in the test, so they know which words they need to revisit.

Robinwood We are all looking forward to our forthcoming visit to Robinwood in November. Letters will be sent home next week to collect medical and contact information for each child. Please note children are not allowed to bring cameras, mobile phones or electrical devices.

SATs Children have written tests in Reading, GPS and Maths. SATS week will be the week beginning Monday 11th May 2020. A meeting regarding SATS for 2020 will be held during the Spring Term. More information regarding work and the structure of SATS will be shared at this meeting. Children are encouraged to work hard and do their best and not to worry in the build up to this period.

How you can help your child… Support your child with their homework, presenting it neatly and completing it on time. Read as much as possible, including all types of reading material. Take time to talk about what they are reading or learning about. Encourage independent research. Help them to learn their spellings and times tables. Each child has a TTrockstars log-in that can used at home. Practise using time, e.g. reading digital and analogue clocks and durations of journeys, programmes etc.

Thank you! This PowerPoint will be available along with other school information (holiday calendar, curriculum map etc.) from our school website. Please visit our website often for school and class updates. www.holyrosaryschool.co.uk