KS-CGMH Guideline for Hyperlipidemia Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism Version 1 Aug 31, 2003 Version 2 Aug 22, 2014 Version 3 Dec 20, 2018
History 1. Symptoms and history of coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, pancreatitis 2. Family history of atherosclerosis-related disease and hyperlipidemia 3. Other relevant medical history including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, gout, thyroid disease, renal disease, obesity 4. Medication history 5. History of smoking and alcohol consumption
Physical examination 1. Vital signs, body weight, body height, BMI 2. Examination by systems 3. Focused examination, including (1) funduscopy for lipemia retinalis (2) systemic arterial pulses checked, auscultation for bruits in carotid, renal and femoral arteries (3) skin lesions like eruptive xanthomas, planar or tuberoeruptive xanthomas
Laboratory and other studies 1. fasting blood sugar 2. chest PA, KUB, EKG 3. SMA-12, urinalysis, FT4, TSH 4. HDL-cholesterol electrophoresis 5. doppler flowmetry and/or angiography if indicated
Management 1. Dietary therapy and physical activity to keep ideal body weight 2. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, bile acid sequestrate resins 3. Fibric acid derivatives 4. Avoidance of medications causing hyperlipidemia 5. Treatment for secondary causes of hyperlipidemia 6. Treat risk factors
2018 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Management of Blood Cholesterol: Secondary Prevention in Patients with Clinical ASCVD