Ashish Chhabria Service Bus update Program Manager - Microsoft Hello everyone, my name is Ashish Chhabria and I’m a Program Manager for the Azure Messaging team focusing on Azure Service Bus!
What is Service Bus? Fully managed PaaS offering - “Enterprise Messaging as a Service”. Point to Point (Queue) and Pub-Sub (Topic-Subscription) semantics. Central arbiter of state / truth of transition or ownership. You know the nouns: Who is sending the message? What is the message? Where is the message being sent? Hello everyone, my name is Ashish Chhabria and I’m a Program Manager for the Azure Messaging team focusing on Azure Service Bus! So, what exactly is Service Bus? It is our fully managed PaaS offering that offers Enterprise Messaging at scale – “Enterprise Messaging as a Service” if you will. We support both Point to point as well as Pub/Sub semantics via Queues and Topics-Subscriptions respectively. Service Bus can be thought of as a central arbiter of state and ownership – moving money or matter between 2 disconnected services, allowing your business logic to decouple and scale horizontally as needed. The broader messaging team offers different solutions to various problems, but if you know the “nouns” in your use-case, Service Bus is probably the best tool for you.
Service Bus - Queues Sender sends message to queue Queue ACKs receipt Receiver connects to queue & retrieves message Receiver ACKs complete (or other action) I want to set the context on the Queue and Topic/Subscription semantics. Here the queue decouples the sender and the receiver. Both are aware of the queue and interact with the queue and the queue ACKS receipt on the sender side as well as the complete on the receiver side. Sender Receiver Queue
Service Bus - Topics & Subscriptions Sender only knows about Topic Receivers only know about Subscriptions Filters and Actions exist on Subscriptions type=order Filter Subscription 1 “type” = “order” Topic On the Topic-subscription side, The sender is aware only of the topic, while the receiver is aware of the subscription only. When a message is sent to a topic and it satisfies multiple filter conditions, the message is duplicated across those subscriptions. type=quote “type” = “quote” Subscription 2 Filter
Service Bus – Pricing tiers Standard Premium Cloud based enterprise messaging. Pay-as-you-go variable pricing. Message size up to 256 KB. Supports ISO standard AMQP 1.0. Rich client platform support. Recommended for low throughput or Dev/Test environments. Exclusive Resources allocation. Predictable throughput/latency. Fixed pricing per messaging unit. Message size up to 1 MB. Recommended for Production environments. Enterprise features – Virtual Networks and Firewalls, Availability Zones, Geo-DR, RBAC, and Managed Service Identity. Service Bus is offered in 2 pricing tiers – Standard and Premium. Standard is our multi-tenant setup with pay as you go pricing. It is recommended for low throughput and developer/test environments. Premium is our dedicated offering that answers the customer demand for predictable throughput and reduced latency. Premium has a fixed price based on the number of messaging units with no overage charges. The premium tier has valuable enterprise features and is recommended for Production environments.
Azure Messaging >22 Billion 2 PB 99.9998% >80 PB 50 regions 95 Message operations on Azure Service Bus per day 2 PB Monthly data written to storage by Event Hubs Capture 99.9998% Weekly success rate for Service Bus >80 PB Monthly Data Volume 50 regions Running our services 95 Of the 100 largest Azure customers use messaging services 50,000+ VMs run our service 2.2 Trillion Requests every day to Event Hubs
What’s new? And coming soon! Business Continuity Enterprise Features Clients & Connectors So…. What has the team been upto? We’ve got a bunch of new features and improvements to talk about – and I’ve grouped them based on the below 3 themes. Let’s first look at our Business Continuity offerings. Image credits – Business Continuity, Enterprise Features, Clients and Connectors
Business Continuity – High Availability & Disaster Recovery Business continuity incorporates all our efforts for high availability, disaster recovery and enabling you to achieve those goals.
Global Expansion and Availability Zones Azure Service Bus is now available in 50 Azure regions! Azure Service Bus now has “Availability Zones” in all compatible regions. So, this is great. Firstly, Azure Service Bus got upgraded to a “core” service, so it will be among the first services to launch in any new data center. On that note, it is now available in all 50 public Azure Regions. Additionally, Azure Service Bus also has “Availability Zones” support in all compatible regions.
Availability Zones Fault tolerance for Service Bus Premium namespace within the same datacenter region. 3 copies (Primary + 2 secondary) are stored across different datacenters in the same region. In case of datacenter failure, one of the secondary copies becomes the primary, *automatically*. Primary Secondary Availability Zones enables fault isolation within the same data center region. For our Service Bus Premium namespace, we provision 3 copies of the backend – i.e. 1 Primary + 2 Secondary copies. When Availability Zones are enabled, these 3 copies are distributed across different data centers within the same region, separated by 70-100 miles. If the primary goes down, one of the secondary copies is automatically promoted to Primary. All this is abstracted away from the client applications.s Secondary
Geo-Disaster Recovery Fault tolerance across different datacenter regions for Service Bus Premium namespace. 2 separate premium namespaces are provisioned and paired. Metadata is always in sync. Failover is managed by the customer. Disaster Recovery with full data copy will follow! Connection String Region1 Primary namespace Metadata Region2 Secondary namespace
This is great! But, how do I upgrade my Standard namespace to use these features? Premium
In-place upgrade for Service Bus Standard Enables migration of existing Service Bus Standard namespace to Premium. A new premium namespace is created and linked to the Standard namespace. Metadata (Queues, Topics, Subscriptions) is copied over from the Standard namespace to Premium namespace. On completion, Connection string becomes an alias for the new Premium namespace. Standard namespace Connection String Metadata Premium namespace No configuration changes needed
Enterprise Features Next up, we have Enterprise features !
Virtual Network Service Endpoints & Firewalls Limit access to your namespace from specific Virtual Networks or IP address/s Virtual Network ACL The first offering is the VNET service endpoints and Firewalls. Here we enable you to limit access your namespaces from specific virtual networks or IP address ranges, even if other client machines have the connection string to connect to the namespace. We have tooling available for PowerShell/CLI and ARM templates, but I’ve got the portal screenshot here for a simple example. Here you can add your existing Virtual Networks to your ACL to protect your service endpoints within those VNETs. Alternatively, you can also add specific IP addresses or ranges to the Firewall ACL. Any incoming request is first validated against the VNET ACLs, and if rejected on the VNET ACLs, it is validated against the Firewall ACLs. Firewall ACL
Managed Service Identity and RBAC Currently in Preview – GA by July 2019! Register your application with Full Data/Management access via built-in “Azure Service Bus Data Owner” role Custom roles per your use-case Insert configuration into App.config file for your application. Property Value Name Azure Service Bus Data Owner (Preview) ID 090c5cfd-751d-490a-894a-3ce6f1109419 Description Allows for full access to Azure Service Bus Resources Actions {Microsoft.ServiceBus/*} NotActions {} DataActions NotDataActions Assignable Scopes {/} The next feature is MSI and RBAC. This feature is currently in preview and we’re working towards GA-ing this by early next month. With this feature, you no longer have to worry about Connection strings, SAS keys and the like – you can simply use Azure Active Directory to create a Service Identity and assign it a role. Once assigned, you can configure your application with the same data. You can choose either the built-in role that grants full data and management access – this is called “Azure Service Bus Data Owner”. Or you can create your own role as well.
Clients and Connectors Next, we’ll talk about our SDK Client and Connectors effort.
Client SDKs Node.js – Generally Available! Java and .NET Management Client Web sockets support Transactions support Python – coming soon! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Connectors and Integrations Logic App Connectors Send and Receive Messages. Create and delete Topic subscriptions. Lock renewal. Manage Sessions. Event Grid Integration Service Bus Premium namespace can emit events to Event Grid. Service Bus Queues as an Event handler – currently in Preview.
Data Explorer for Service Bus Data Explorer lives on the Azure Portal under the Queue or Topic. Coming soon! Operations supported Send/Receive/Peek from a Queue Send to Topic Receive from Subscriptions Works with Dead-letter entities as well!
Data Explorer - Queue Send Peek Receive Message statistics Operation Pick Queue/Deadletter queue Message body List messages
Data Explorer - Topic Send to a Topic Receive/Peek from a subscription Operation Pick subscription Message statistics Pick from subscription/dead-letter List messages Message body
Additional updates Premium Messaging - Expanded offerings to 8 MUs. Coming soon … Private Endpoints Bring your own key for user-controlled Encryption at Rest.
Service Bus – Q & A