Stream and River Deposits Chapter 11 Section 2 Stream and River Deposits
Deposition: the process in which material is laid down.
Delta: a fan-shaped mass of material deposited at the mouth of a stream.
Alluvial fan: a fan-shaped mass of material deposited by a stream when the slope of the land decreases sharply.
Floodplain: an area along a river that forms from sediments deposited when the river overflows its banks.
The deposits of rock and soil by streams are called sediment.
Besides deltas and floodplains, another type of stream deposit is called an alluvial fan.
When a river forms a delta, one effect on the coastline is it gets larger.
A dam is built to hold a portion of floodwater in a reservoir and help control flooding.
Sandbags are used to build up levees to control water during flooding.