Brian McVey Environmental Engineering Manager HII-Ingalls Shipbuilding Update: Short Course on Dredging Fundamentals for Shipyard Operations & Environmental Sustainability Brian McVey Environmental Engineering Manager HII-Ingalls Shipbuilding
Team Project Lead: David Templeton, Partner Anchor QEA, LLC Project Technical Representative: Brian McVey Ingalls Shipbuilding
Seminar Date and Location October 24, 2019 Palace Casino, Biloxi, MS Dredge Site Tour---TBD
Expertise Anchor QEA is involved in navigation and sediment remediation dredging projects throughout the country, and is a nationally recognized expert in applying dredging strategies and concepts to numerous waterfront industries, including shipyards, marinas, and ports. Anchor is a long-time member of the Western Dredging Association (WEDA), where they have featured many of our case histories of shipyard-related dredging projects
Subject Matter Experts David Keith, Partner Anchor QEA, LLC Wendell Mears, Partner
Agenda Items • Overview of typical dredging technologies applicable to shipyards • Critical regulatory considerations and regional variations • Permit strategies, including Regional and Facility-Specific Regional Permits • Sediment data collection and assessment • Design considerations unique to shipyard facilities • Maintenance dredging, berth deepening, and environmental remediation • Sediment disposal options • Cost estimating and key factors • Construction considerations and Best Management Practices • Contract documents and claims avoidance
Why Attend? Learn from the experts: • Planning and budgeting to meet long-term dredging needs • Evaluating the relative cost-effectiveness of dredging and sediment management options • Developing feasible and environmentally compliant alternatives for dredging and sediment disposal • Planning and executing difficult and time-consuming permitting challenges associated with dredging projects and material placement