Welcome to Back to School Night Stone Mill Elementary Fifth Grade
Meet the Teachers Mrs. Hannah Ms. Hart Ms. Herbert Mrs. Paschall
Classroom Expectations We expect your child to: Be on time for school Bring necessary materials to class Maintain an organized binder Complete homework and classwork on time Collaborate with teams on group projects Treat teachers and other students with respect Have a good attitude
Organization Organization will be a big part of 5th grade! We will be working hard to help students prepare for middle school by ensuring students maintain an organized binder. Take Home Folder (orange plastic folder): This folder is used to bring home notices, practice papers and graded work. Please review papers with your child daily and return the folder to school. Students may also use this folder for daily homework. This folder is hole punched and is part of their binder. Students are expected to keep their folders and papers organized and inside their binders.
Homework Policy Homework is recorded daily by the students in their assignment books. If there is no homework for a subject, students should write “none”. If your child still needs an assignment book, it is not too late to order one online! Students will have homework each night. Students are encouraged to read a book for at least 20 minutes a night Homework is expected to be turned in on time. We encourage students to call a “homework buddy” for assignment clarifications.
Fifth Grade Curriculum
Reading literature informational text vocabulary In fifth grade students will demonstrate proficiency of standards relating to: literature informational text vocabulary
New Reading Level Reporting: Grades 3-5 Description Above (ABV) Your child reads and comprehends text within and above the grade level band and receives instruction and enrichment with text above the grade level band during small group instruction. On (ON) Your child reads and comprehends text within the grade level band and receives small group instruction to provide support, instruction, and enrichment with text as needed within the grade-level band. Below (BLW) Your child needs significant support to read and comprehend text within the grade level band and receives targeted support with text below the grade-level band during their small group instruction. All students will be reading grade-level and/or above grade-level text daily Instructional Reading Level will no longer be reported Teachers will use ON, ABOVE, or BELOW to indicate student’s reading level As a result of instruction changes to have all students focused on reading grade-level and/or above-grade-level complex text, we will no longer be reporting Fountas and Pinnell guided reading levels for as Instructional Reading Level for students in Grades 3-5 Current practice says that the specific strategy of guided reading is best utilized for students who are learning to read. That is primarily our students in Grades K-2, and may include students who are encouraging significant challenges in Grades 3-5. Therefore, guided reading will not be an expected instructional strategy for all students in Grades 3-5, though some students may engage in this. ALL students will benefit from small group instruction as needed to provide targeted instruction. For reporting, the levels of ON, ABOVE, and BELOW grade level are more reflective of the variety of complex texts that students are engaged with reading both independently and during instruction.
Writing Opinion Informative Narrative Research Students will demonstrate proficiency by composing several types of writing including: Opinion Informative Narrative Research Students will demonstrate proficiency in standard language usage.
Math Compacted Math 5/6 follows rigorous Curriculum 2.0 guidelines. Math 5 follows the Eureka Math curriculum We generally give homework Monday through Thursday. Students will demonstrate knowledge of core math topics of: computing, applying, reasoning, and engaging. The core topics are: operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations in base ten, fractions, measurement and data, and geometry.
Fifth Grade Eureka Math • Quickly and accurately multiplying multi-digit whole numbers • Dividing numbers with up to four digits by two-digit numbers • Using exponents to express powers of 10 • Reading, writing, and comparing decimals to the thousandths place • Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals to the hundredths place • Writing and interpreting mathematical expressions using symbols such as parentheses. For example, “add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2” can be written as 2×(8+7). • Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators (bottom numbers) by converting them to fractions with matching denominators • Multiplying fractions by whole numbers and other fractions • Dividing fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by fractions • Analyzing and determining relationships between numerical patterns • Measuring volume using multiplication and addition
Science Students will demonstrate proficiency in skills relating to the following topics: Matter and Energy Waves: Light, Sound, Properties of Waves Astronomy: Space, Solar System, Constellations, Stellar Patterns Heredity
Health Students will demonstrate proficiency in skills relating to the following topics: Mental and emotional health Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs Personal and consumer health Family life and human sexuality Disease prevention and control Nutrition and fitness
Social Studies Civics Culture Geography Economics History Students will demonstrate proficiency in skills relating to the following topics: Civics Culture Geography Economics History
Grading System for 5th Grade
Updated Report Cards For the 2019-2020 school year, only measurement topics that are being taught for that marking period will have a grade. All other measurement topics will be left blank.
Important Info to Remember Volunteer/Chaperone- MUST complete the Child Abuse and Neglect training. Follow the link to take the training: https://mcpsmd.catalog.instructure.com/browse/public/volunteers Remember to choose STONE MILL as your school Cell phones and smart devices- cell phones and smart devices, such as Apple Watches, must be turned off and kept in backpacks
Thank you for attending Thank you for attending! Please proceed to your child’s classroom: Hart- room 36 Hannah - room 37 Paschall - room 38 Herbert - room 39