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Presentation transcript:


What is my idea? A magazine focusing on how rap/hip-hop has risen over the years, become popular and I am going to be doing an article focusing on how females have risen through this genre

How does it link to flight? My idea links to flight because it is the rise, or “flight” of hip-hop and rap; how it has come about and become so popular. Name of the magazines is going to be flight, by F for short. It is also going to be called F because the magazine is focusing on female artists.

Example Magazines I have been looking at Vogue, XXL, Kerrang, Vive le rock These magazines all have different themes and different target audiences and refer to different things that are all going to link into the product I’m making I have also been researching how hip-hop came around and how it all started, as well as further research in hip-hop and rap artist, focusing on females

What is my magazine going to include? How rap/hip-hop has come about and how it has been influenced on artists today and how it has risen to be so popular in modern day ( the creators of this genre of music) Main point/ focus on the magazine is going to be the rise of female artists within this genre or how it did originally come about or the development within this genre. Concert review Album review, the album I am going to be creating the art work for myself Fashion and other advertisements- as they are a big part of magazines

Target audience My target audience is for older teens to adults, research has said that 2/3s of people who listen to hip-hop are between 18-34 year olds. But, hip-hop and rap music is usually around topics that aren't really suitable for young children, like drugs, family issues and relationships. Most hip-hop and rap artist, like Kanye make their music relatable to their audiences, and the buyers of a magazine are going to be artists fans so the magazine is going to have a similar target audiences to the artists their looking at