Methods Week 3 GTM 1
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Homework Today’s Class- Chapter 2 - GTM Read Ch 3 - DM First, in TP3 read the sections: Experience and Thinking About the Experience (pp. 25-30) Then use the TESOL Method Workbook (TMWB, pp. 27-30) As you re-read the chapter look at and answer the questions in the workbook
TESOL Method Workbook Open the book to page 21 Discuss questions 1-3: What is the goal of GTM? Explain the difference between teaching a student about a language and how to use it. What are the 3 purposes of GTM?
GTM: Some History GTM is also known as the Classical Method because… Used to teach Latin & Greek 500-600 years ago in Europe, Latin was the language of education, commerce, religion By the 16th C. – national tongues start to replace Latin Study of Latin was used as the model for the teaching of all foreign language
GTM: My High School Latin Textbook The principles of GTM were clearly reflected in my high school Latin Textbook Statements of abstract grammar rules Lists of vocabulary Sentences for translation Organized around grammar points Grammar point introduced through the L1 Explanation on rules of usage in the L1 Sample sentences for additional translation practice Oral work reduced to a minimum
GTM: My High School Latin Class Class time was used for Rote learning of grammar rules Study of declensions & conjugations Translation Practice writing sample sentences Bilingual texts & dialogues From basic proficiency to advanced grammar & rhetoric
GTM: What about you? Is this similar to your language learning experiences? Were you learning procedural knowledge? Were you learning declarative knowledge? What’s the difference?
GTM: Purpose & Rationale The rationale & purpose Help Ss to read & appreciate foreign language literature Study of TL grammar leads to deeper understanding of L1 grammar, Ss develop L1 literacy Foreign LL helps Ss grow intellectually Mental gymnastics: disciplined & systematic study of FL crucial for all forms of higher education
Oral or communicative proficiency GTM: What to remember Summary of major goals of GTM Literature appreciation Mental discipline Intellectual development Oral or communicative proficiency in the TL is not a goal
GTM: Thinking about the Experience On page 21, discuss the following questions about experience described in our textbook: What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the Ss? How does the T teach vocabulary and grammar?
GTM: Teaching vocabulary & grammar What does GTM look like? Detailed analysis of grammar rules Application of rules to examples Translation into & out of TL Memorizing rules & lists of words Manipulate morphology & syntax of TL L1 maintained as reference system
GTM: Teaching vocabulary & grammar Is the teaching in GTM an example of inductive or deductive teaching? What’s the difference?
GTM: Techniques and Principles Look at page 22 in the TMWK and answer question 5. Then with your partner or group members compare your answers. What are some of the techniques you like?
GTM: Techniques and Principles Skill focus: reading & writing Little or no systematic attention to speaking or listening Vocabulary selection Based on reading texts Taught through bilingual word lists, dictionary study, memorization, comparison to L1
GTM: Techniques and Principles Primacy of the sentence Basic unit of teaching & practice Excessive translation: disconnected, decontextualized sentences Thou hast a book. The house is beautiful. He has a kind dog. The wife of the miller was kind.
GTM: Techniques and Principles Grammar taught deductively Rules first presented & studied Rules then practiced through translation exercises Meticulous standards of accuracy Ss were punished for errors (1800s) Points are deducted for the tiniest errors
GTM: Techniques and Principles Additional Techniques and Strategies Reading of literary texts Answering comprehension Qs based on the text Vocabulary work esp. synonyms and antonyms; cognates and false cognates Grammar work that uses fill-in-the blank worksheets and rote memorizations of patterns.
GTM: Doubting & Believing How might the method’s techniques and strategies help learners to learn the language? How might those same techniques and strategies hinder student learning? If you have experienced the method, you can think about how it helped or hindered you
GTM: Helped and Hindered My own experience Benefits My understanding of English grammar greatly improved through my study of Latin Gained an appreciation for the history of Rome and its influence on Western Civilization Challenges Did not improve my oral proficiency The texts were often boring and not connected to my own interests I can’t really remember anything that I spent time memorizing
GTM: Adding to our repertoire How might you use the method, its techniques and strategies in your own future teaching? (Describe an activity or specific learning sequence and explain how it uses the principles, techniques and strategies of the method)
GTM: I rarely use anything form this method, but… Allowing learners to work with synonyms and antonyms is a great way to help Ss to expand their vocabulary For example, big, large, huge, enormous, gigantic vs. small, tiny, petite, little, puny, microscopic Ss can do matching, categorization, identification (fill in the blank) activities with a group of synonyms and antonyms. Also loan words from English to Korean “after service” (English loan words used in Korean) vs. “customer service” in English
In Class Activity TMWK pages 23-26 First read the passage from Mark Twain’s “The Boy’s Ambition” Then work with a partner or in a small group Come up with reading questions for the text Then share your reading questions with another group or whole class