Competencies, Individual Development & Overall CB Performance CAMBRIDGE 2019 Competencies, Individual Development & Overall CB Performance
Competencies are ……. Skills Knowledge Experience Attributes Behaviours That an individual needs to perform a job effectively (Hirsh & Schrebler, 1995)
WHY DO WE USE COMPETENCIES? Competencies provide us with the following: A consistent measure of performance, making it easier to be more objective when assessing and monitoring performance A structured way of describing behaviour – a common language for the organisation A tool to help managers give constructive feedback – competencies provide examples of required level of behaviour A self assessment tool to help individuals identify strengths and development needs A mechanism to support the development of a closely targeted Individual Development Plan for an individual’s current role and future potential
STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Recruitment & Selection Job description Induction Performance Management Rotation & Secondment Competencies Reflecting job requirements & organisational culture Staff Appraisal Promotion Succession Planning & Talent Management Rewards & Sanctions Learning & Development N.B.: Salaries & Financial Rewards Omitted
All competencies must be measurable: Quantitative or Qualitative
USING COMPETENCIES TO UNDERPIN PERFORMANCE MUST Be simple, memorable and measurable Be shown and seen as relevant Be carefully created / defined for complete coverage SHOULD Be forward looking Raise individual and organisational performance Be incorporated in recruitment, T&D, appraisal, JE etc COULD Be re-visited to re-think organisational culture, or Be a fad that takes time and soon falls into disuse!
Setting Direction – Changing & Improving
Hiring In U.K. Civil Service (C.S.) In the past Government & C.S. recruitment relied heavily on competency-based interviewing. Direct link to the Civil Service Competency Framework Provided a structured approach whereby every candidate was tested with the same questions in the same order. Candidate would give an answer including an example of a task or activity they completed in the past & also outline the actions taken in that particular situation Hiring managers found that that this was very rigid. Focused only on past behaviour Did not allow for a more holistic view of the person. Resulted in a narrower range of candidates being selected. Clash with ethos of Government, to be a role model in terms of diversity and equality. New hiring process : Success Profiles launched in early 2019, now the formalised strategy for all Government roles. All Government departments now using this new system.
Where do competencies come from?