Scrimmage Downs General Guidelines
Formations Offensive Team Requirements: Before snap – At the snap – Snapper must not move to another position Subs must have been inside 9-yd marks (numbers) No encroachment No FST At the snap – Be inbounds Be either OL or back Must have 5 OL numbered 50 – 79 (except scrimmage kick formation) Set at least 1 sec. 1 back may be in motion
Formations Defensive requirements: Not touch ball Not enter NZ causing OL to react immediately Gap → 2 OL; Head up → 3 OL Not enter NZ and continue unabated to a back No non-defensive movement No disconcerting signals (words; signals or sounds; cadence)
Position / Alignment R: 12-14 yds deep & 12-14 yds outside of ball’s position U: 5-10 yds deep; see snap; out of way of defense HL: LOS – Out of bounds; Straddle NZ LJ: LOS– Out of bounds; Straddle NZ BJ: 20-25 yds deep
Pre-Snap Routine May vary slightly by position, but should include … Correct spot / forward progress Sub mechanics Counting players Down & Distance (Ball position) Line to Gain Clock status (previous play?) Position Keys
Blocking Philosophies Offensive Holding - OH Potential OH away from POA → No Call Double Team → No call unless takedown or pulled back after splitting If OL’s feet are beat, he will cheat → alert for OH, IBW, TRP, UNR, etc. Tackle; Pullover; Grab & Restrict; Hook & Restrict; Takedown; Jerk & Restrict OH, but held player makes tackle → No Call Chop Block - CHB Engaged high then engage low (thigh or below) → CHB Engaged low then engage high (above waist) → CHB Engaged high; disengages then engaged low by diff. player → CHB Both contacts must occur for CHB to be called.
Blocking Philosophies Illegal Block in the Back – IBB Initial contact in back & above waist. Position of the blocker’s head is irrelevant. Block from behind below waist → Clipping (CLP) Illegal Block Below the Waist – IBW (Rule 9-1-6) 5 yd band regarding the LOS “Directed from the front” → “10 & 2”; Area of concentration Alert: Blocking toward original position of ball or toward own end line NO blocks below waist on kick plays or any change of possession