ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW STANDING COMMITTEE Richard Hall declined to serve upon his election to the Admin. Review committee Election of a committee member CR&R 300.030.D.6.b.(2) The committee consists of four (4) representatives nominated by the Rules, Procedures and Agenda Committee (with the possibility of nominations from the floor) and elected by a vote of the Faculty Senate. Committee members serve for two (2) years, terms to be staggered with the election of two faculty members each year, and shall be full-time, tenured faculty members with an administrative component of 50% or less.
ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW STANDING COMMITTEE Members Hurson, Ali – Electrical and Computer Engineering (Faculty Senate) 2018 Samaranayake, V. A. - Mathematics & Statistics Faculty (Faculty Senate) 2018 Liu, Kelly - Geosciences, Geological & Petroleum Faculty (Faculty Senate) 2019 Nominated Candidate Members Bih-Ru Lea - Business and Information Technology
PARKING, SECURITY AND TRAFFIC COMMITTEE CR&R 300.030.D.7.b.(2) “Each Department may nominate one (1) faculty member for service on the Parking, Security and Traffic committee. The committee shall be composed of twelve (12) faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate from the list of department nominees for a two-year (2-year) term”… Parking committee has 11 faculty representatives Lili Eng is nominated by Business and Information Technology department
TITLE IX PANELISTS Panelists were originally appointed to longer (3 yr) terms for the purpose of continuity CR&Rs were recently edited for Diversity and Inclusion, which dropped the longer terms CR&R 600.040.P.1 “The University will create and annually train a pool of not less than ten (10) faculty and ten (10) administrators and/or staff to serve as hearing panel members in the Hearing Panel Resolution Process.
TITLE IX PANELISTS 600.040.P.1 (cont’d): The faculty hearing panel members selected by the Chancellor (or Designee) shall be selected from a list of no less than twenty (20) faculty members proposed by the faculty council/senate. Panelists are selected by the Chancellor (or Designee) and serve a renewable one-year term. Panelist selections should be made with attention to representation of groups protected by the University’s Anti-Discrimination Policies.” Panelist candidates were allowed to self-nominate from the general faculty as willing, less willing, unwilling (i.e., resign)
Title IX Panelist Candidates